Chapter six: The talk

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POV: Tielor, Ranae, Ashley, Liz, Summer,& Lilith:

The gathered in the livingroom. In the midst of a discussion of what was to come and the conversation they were all dreading when their all too innocent friend were to show up.

"How are we gonna go about this? Because I'm sure, 'Hey Brin how was your drive? Oh, by the way none of us are human and that wasn't a dream. Want some tea?' Is either going to one, make her think we are fucking with her. Or two, break her brain and cause her to freak tf out." Liz says pacing in front of the fireplace.

"At this point, any way we...Liz, stop with the pacing you're only making yourself more anxious!" Ashley groaned as she cut herself off.

"Pacing is how I hakuna my tatas right now, so deal with it for the moment!" Liz snaps.

"Teehee, she said hakuna my tatas." Ranae says trying to stifle her giggles as Liz fist bums her for appreciating her puns.

"Any way we go about this is going to end in her freaking out. All we can do is tell her everything and hope for the best." Ashley finished.

"Hope for the best." Tielor laughed dryly.

"Well I dont see you coming up with any bright ideas Pretty boy." Lilith says glaring in Tielors general direction. Earning a low growl from him.

"Well, fighting about how we are going to do this isn't going to help Brinley any. So let's all just chill the fuck out." Summer says trying to defuse the situation failing to break the silent debate going on between Tielor and Lilith.

"Alright you two, put your dicks away or go out into the woods and fuck." Liz says stepping between their line of sight.

Again Ranae tried to hide her laughter. "Ight, ima head out, like I said, things to see, people to do." Ranae said breaking for the back door and heading south into the woods before her brother could scold her for her laughter.

"For real, I cant tell if that's genuine anger or lust but y'all need to stop." Ashley says trying to hide her smirk.

"Ew. Why would you even say that?" Both Tielor and Lilith say in unison. Glaring back at one another.

"Hello people, bigger fish to fry. Brinley is going to be here any minute." Summer says snapping her fingers trying to get everyone back on topic.

As if on que they all hear the tires of the RV pulling up the gravel driveway.

"I guess we're winging it." Tielor sighs

Brinleys POV:

After driving for a total of 28 hours, Brinley finally pulls off the highway and makes her final stretch up the mountain to Ashley and Liz's place.


Brinley pulls up to the house and just as she turns off the Rv she sees five of her best friends making their way to her.

Before she even gets the chance to get out of her vehicle everyones piling in.

After hugs, hellos, and explaining Ranae's temporary absence they all settle down.

"Sweet digs Brin, this thing is huge!" Tielor says sprawling out on the couch.

"Dude, this place is like the size of my apartment." Lilith says pushing Tielor's feet off the pillows and sitting down.

"Please tell me again why you stay in that shitty ass apartment in the middle of bum fuck nowhere when you have this beautiful beast?!?" Summer asked sending Brinley a smirk.

"I have a lease, and an obligation to take care of my parents house." Brinley says unconvincingly.

"Oh, bullshit, you make way more than enough to buy out of that lease." Liz says shooting Brinley a knowing look.

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