Chapter five: Safe for now

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Ashley & Liz's POV

After Liz had successfully sent Brinley back to her body, she herself returned to her own.

Opening her eyes she's met with her sisters worried stare.

"So she think shes going to hate us?" Ashley says, the worry in her voice matching the worried look on her face.

"Hate us? No. Think it's all a dream or some sort of sick joke and that we are absolutely insane? Way more probable." Liz stands and stumbles, dizzy from entering Brinleys semi unconscious and unstable state.

"You should rest until she gets here, you're not used to exerting yourself this much." Ashley says handing her sister her suppression charm.

Liz, tired, puts the charm back in her ear and nods in response laying back on the couch.

Too exhausted to argue. Knowing her sister is right. She quickly falls into a deep sleep.

Ashley relaxed, knowing that Summer was safe and that soon they'd be able to explain the mess of supernatural beings surrounding their world to Brinley.

She could only hope that she takes it well. While over thinking the situation to come, her phone vibrates startling her out of her thoughts.

:incoming call Tielor:

Quickly standing and making her way outside,as to not wake her sister. She grabs her cigarettes and answers the call.

"Hey Tie." She answers her voice not hiding any of the emotions she was currently feeling.

"Hey Ash, so I heard our innocent little gamer is finally getting all wrapped up in our bullshit world." He laughs dryly.

"Ow, Nae, whate the fuck." Ashley heard Tielor groan in objection.

"Its her world too, it's not her fault she doesnt remember. All we can do now is get her through this." Ranae's soft voice could be heard in the background.

"Come on Tielor, we all knew this day would come sooner or later." Ashley says tiredly

"I was hoping for the later option. She shouldn't have to be dragged in the middle of this 'world war of the species'." He replies equally as tired.

"I cant say that I disagree..." she says

"I hear a 'buuut' coming on" Tielor groans.

"Buuut" Ashley mocks his tone, " like Nae said, it's her world too. Whether we like it or not, she was born into this just as much as the rest of us." She continued.

"Shuddup weeb." Tielor says to his grinning sister next to him.

"But it has nothing to do with her, no one even knows who she is. Well they didn't until the astral stunt she pulled in the woods." He says irritatedly.

"Look, half of that was the coven's mental connection fault, and the other half was kind of ours and our parents for keeping all of this from her for so long." She ground out only receiving a sigh from Tielor.

"Shes not a baby anymore Tie, hell shes older than the both of us, and you know damn well this has everything to do with her if what Lilith dug up is true." Ashley says striking a sore spot with her friend.

"Don't you think I know that?!?! You guys are like my family Ash, and seeing the last one of us that had freedom and peace of mind get wrapped up in this scares the fuck out of me. She knows nothing about the world she lives in, she still got to think there were no monsters that went bump in the night, and we are taking that away from her." Tielor's voice raised, trying not to lose his temper.

He knew there was nothing he, nor any of them could do to stop this day from coming, but that didn't help the fact that this whole situation rubbed him the wrong way.

She was the last one of them who's biggest fear wasn't worse than any trivial mortal fear. She was still oblivious to everything going on in the shadows, and they all wished it could stay that way.

After a long moment of thought and silence Tielor finally spoke. This time more calm than the last.

"I know none of us have control over what happens now. I also know that we all just want to protect her from the life we were all drug into without a choice. But are we ready for this? More importantly, is she?" He said, His voice softening at the end of his sentence.

"None of us were prepared for this, our parents didn't leave us a manual on how shit works in our world. But, whether we like it or not, Brinley knows something's not right. We cant keep playing it off as if these are just simply dreams anymore. I mean for fucks sake Tie, she astral projected into the middle of your bar last month!" Ashley groaned at the thought of her friend nearly being discovered.

"Yea, that one was hard to play off, she nearly walked right through my bartender. I gotta admit though, when she called me the next day telling me about her 'dream' I had to keep from laughing audibly. I ended up muting the call a few times because I was laughing so hard." Ranae chuckles remembering the encounter.

"Okay, so it was a little funny. But, since then her visions and projections have only grown. At this rate she was bound to find out. All we can do now is be there for her and hope to what ever higher power there is that she believes us." Ashley said unsure of what was to come in the next 24 hours.

"Either she will believe us the easy way, or we will have to show her exactly who and what we are, and for her sake I hope it doesn't come to that." Tielor said exhausted just thinking about it.

"Well, we are on our way, we should beat her there. I've got maybe another three hours. I'll see you soon Ash." Tielor said.

"See you soon, and Tielor..." she paused

"Yea?" He asked

"Drive safe you psychopath. There are speed limits for a reason. Not everyone can regenerate as fast as you." She laughed.

"For real dont kill us you little shit, that's an order from your older sister!" Ranae smirked at her glowingly irritated brother.

"Youte like 10 minutes older than me!!!" He whines.

"Just get here in one piece you two." Ashley half heartedly laughed.

"Aye aye elcapitan!" The two chuckled in unison.

Before ending the call, Ranae chimed in, "I have a few errands to run in the area so I may be a bit absent for the reveal." She said the last part ominously.

Sou.ds like a plan stan, love yall, be safe and we'll see you soon." Ashley smiled and hung up.

She sat on the steps silently mulling over what was to come in the next 24 hours.

With a sigh she flicked her cigarette butt, exhaling with a deep sigh.

The goal was to ease Brinley into the world she was born from. One made of magic and supernatural beings.

One way or another, whether her friends liked it or not, Brinley Zora was finally going to find out who, or rather, what she really was...

:Authors note:

Heyo, so this chapter is a bit short and I know I said I'd be uploading once a week. But who am I kidding? I cant wait that long to get Brinleys story out there. So as fast as I can write it, is as fast as I'll be posting it.

On the other hand, I'm a bit sick right now so it may not be as regularly as the first four chapters but I hope to get back in the swing of it once I feel better.

If you have any comments, questions, or thoughts don't be afraid to message me, I'd love to hear any and all of them.

I hope you're all enjoying Brinleys story so far, and don't forget to vote! 'Something wicked this way comes' :)

<3 ponyo

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