Chapter Eighteen: Lil Bean

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"What's wrong little sister? Cats got your tongue?" The woman spoke a smirk making it's way to her lips.

" way...this is impossible...I-I don't believe it... " Brinley whispered out in shock.

"Better believe it bean, I'm back bitches. Wheres my love? Or are yall just gonna stand there staring at me like I just murdered your puppy on Christmas morning?" Mandi laughed leaning against the counter.

"No fucking way.." Liz, Ashley, Summer, Tielor, Lilith, and Ranae all said in shocked unison.

"Fucking way." Mandi said the smirk on her face only growing. "Now, about those herbs and liquor..."


Everyone stood huddled in the doorway in shock. The group frozen, staring at the woman in the middle of the kitchen, all dumbfounded, all except for Lilith that is.

"How do we know you are who you say you are?" Lilith says stepping forward, walking circles around the witch, looking her up and down before she continued. " and how the hell did you manage to get in here without anyone hearing you? It doesn't seem to add up, there are three vampires and three werewolves with extremely high senses..." she trailed off coming to a stop right in front of the woman who claimed to be Brinleys older sister.

"Mandi could use teleportation..."Liz whispered to no one in particular. Only the group surrounding her could hear.

"Chill with the grilling me. You gonna shake me down and strip search me next? Ask and thou shalt receive, I have nothing to hide. I knew I'd have to explain myself so how about we have a drink, yeah? Its gonna be a long story." Mandi calmly stated not once losing the smirk on her face, a smirk that was so familiar to all of them, they felt like it was just yesterday they'd seen her smirking face last, leaving with Mallory from their community of Supes.

Brinleys curiosity only grew as the woman who was supposed to be her older sister stood before them talking. She had long zoned out from what anyone around her was saying or doing and before she knew it her friends began retreating to the living room.

Brinley just stood there, in a daze. Unknowingly staring Mandi in the eyes, remembering every curve, shadow, and blemish on the womans face. Her eyes were the same shade as their father's, face and lips the same shape as their mother's, it was equally as comforting as it was unsettling.

After a few minutes of letting the petite girl stare her down Mandi stepped forward resting a hand on Brinleys shoulder effectively snapping her out of her daze.

"Still a space cadet I see, Brin. Look at you all grown up." Mandi spoke with a tone that instantly caused Brinley to relax.

"Um, ye-yeah, I'm good...just...shocked?" Brinley answered her sisters question with a half question half statement of her own.

This was her sister. Theres no way it was a dream or hallucination. She could feel her touch, the warmth of her hand on her shoulder. She had only just remembered the woman even existed and here she was, standing in the middle of her best friends kitchen.

"I get it lil dude, how about we take a few shots with the gang and I'll explain everything?" Mandi said dropping her arm back to her side and heading toward the rest of her friends in the other room.

As everyone retreated to the living room, Jonathan, Declan, and Ayeden agreed to do another sweep around the area and give the group a moment.

Brinley soon followed after, still a great bit shocked. When she reached the group she chose a seat in between Tielor and Lilith adjacent from where Mandi was seated, her eyes only leaving her sister when Tielor put a hand on her leg to grab her attention.

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