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It's been two weeks since I've seen Beth, two weeks since I've finally met her in person, two weeks since I've danced with her, two weeks since I've talked to her, two weeks since I've laughed with her, two weeks since I've kissed her hand.

Beth is all I think about, it's gotten worse than before. I just want to see her again and hear her soft voice. I should've kissed her right then and there but I think I would've scared her off because she's so kind and I feel like she wouldn't have liked it. It was kind of obvious that she had an interest in me but I know she wanted to get to know me first.

I laid there on my bed, thinking about the moment I kissed her soft hand, then making eye contact with her beautiful greenish brown eyes, and watching her cheeks turn red.

I also thought about her dancing, she was such a good dancer, hell she was the best one on that floor. Just watching her glorious body move to the beat drove me nuts. I would kill to dance with her right now.

I sat up and lit a cigarette and watched the snow lightly fall outside.

I want to hear her voice. I want to call her.

I grabbed the small pile of Beth's magazines that sat on my nightstand and looked for the very first magazine with her contact information.

I flipped to the very last page and picked up the phone but I didn't dial her agency number.

What are you doing John? This isn't like you, I thought to myself. I have never phoned a girl first before, they phone me. What if I'm coming off too desperate? Oh fuck John, what's wrong with you.

I slammed the phone down and recollected myself. After a few moments of thinking, I finally gave in.What's there to fucking lose.
I picked up the phone again and dialed the number.

Each ring made my heart rate increase. But it dropped once they answered.

"Hello, this is Albany Modeling Co., are you calling to make an appointment," a women asked.

"Hi, um no I'm not calling for an appoint-."
The woman cut me off.

"If you're not calling for an appointment then there is nothing else we call help you with, goodbye."

"Wait! I'm calling for Beth Williams!"

"Sir, please do not call this number it is not some fan hotline."

"Look this is John Taylor from fucking Duran Duran and I would like to speak to Beth Williams!"

I couldn't take her attitude anymore so I snapped.

"Oh um I'm so sorry Mr. Taylor," her tone instantly changed. "This number is the main agency number and Beth isn't in today but I can give you her personal number?"

"Yes, I would like that," I lowered my voice. "Thank you and sorry dear."

I hung up and quickly dialed Beth's number that was given to me.

It rang three times and she picked up.

"Hello?" Hearing her voice again made me melt.

"Hello," she asked again.

"Hi Beth, it's me John," I finally spit out.

"John, oh my gosh, hi! How did you get my number?"

"I called your agency and they gave it to me. How have you been?"

"I've been good, just mostly Christmas shopping for family and friends. How are you?"

"I've been pretty good," I lied, I've been miserable thinking about her. "The boys and I have been having rehearsals here and there but I've mostly been at home."

"Are you doing anything for Christmas?"

"Yes, I'm going to my parents house to spend it with them."

"Oh me too."

"It's good to hear your voice again Beth," I admitted.

"I feel the same about yours, I honestly thought I would never hear it again."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well I don't know, I thought maybe in London would be the only time I would see you."

"You're not going to the New Years Eve concert?"

She laughed, "No I am, I got tickets the other day. But what I meant was I thought it would be the last time I would personally talk to you."

"Oh Beth, you can't get rid of me that easily," we laughed.

"I can tell."

"Well, I'm glad you'll be going to the show because I'm now looking forward to it."

"You weren't before?"

"I was but now I can't wait for it any longer," I said, taking a risk.

She stayed silent.

"Sorry if I came off too strong, I'm just telling the truth."

"What's making you feel this way? We hardly know one another, we've meet once in person but spent most of the time dancing, and other than that we've only read about each other in magazines."

I know she didn't say it to be rude and she didn't sound like it, she was more confused.

"I don't know," I said. "I'm the type of person that lives in the moment and says what I want to say, maybe it's that."

"To be honest, John, I'm the opposite. I over think the situation and think of the possible outcomes and think about what I would say before saying it."

She's a major over thinker. That's a whole total opposite than me.

"I didn't mean to scare you John, I'm telling you the truth," she laughed. I could listen to it non stop.

"Oh I see what you did there," I smiled to myself.

"But really John, I'm excited to watch you guys play," she paused. "And to see you."

I smiled so big and threw a hand over my chest.
God I feel like primary school me when I received a Valentine's card from a girl I liked.
We're both looking forward to see each other again.

We kept talking for about another hour, I learned more about her and she learned more about me. It felt so nice, so comforting.

After the hour, we decided to let each other go, even though we both didn't want to.

"I'll see you in two weeks," I said.

"Goodbye, Nigel," she giggled.

I told her my first name and that I just went by John. She teased saying she'll keep calling me by it.

"Goodbye, Violet," I called her by her middle name.

I liked her middle name, I think I would like calling her Violet more than her calling me by my first name.

She hung up first but I still kept the phone by my ear, thinking about what just happened.
Her voice is so soft and pleasing to listen to, her laugh forms a smile on my face. Oh John, you are fucked.
Sorry for his boring chapter, I didn't like it so much but I promise the next one will be better! Also I'll be updating more slowly because school and sports are starting up again and I probably won't have the time to update :(

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