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The week full of fun, sightseeing, eating, laughing and affection with Beth was coming to an end. This was truly the best time I've had in awhile.

After our first night together she offered for me to stay at her apartment for the rest of the week. Beth's apartment was very nice, I didn't know they had apartments as big as hers in New York.

We didn't know what we would do after I left. We weren't technically dating yet but it sure felt like we were. We said we would call each other a few times a week or whenever we wanted too.

During our time together there were also paparazzi snapping shots of us left and right, we knew that we would be in teen magazines in no time.

I was packing my things up so they would be ready for the morning.

"What did you want to do with our last night together," she asked. "We could go to find something to do in town."

"Why not spend it here, just us."

She smiled. "I'd like that."

I pulled the small box that had a pair of emerald earrings inside, out of my coat.

"I got you something," I handed her the box. She looked up at me with surprise and opened it.

"Oh John, they're beautiful," she exclaimed. Beth walked to her vanity and held them up to her ears.

"I saw them this afternoon and instantly thought about how they would match your eyes," I rested my head on her shoulder.

"I love them," she kissed me. "Thank you."

"But I didn't get anything for you," she frowned.

"Don't worry about me, spending this week with you was a gift."

She blushed and set the box of earrings down.

"This week with you was wonderful," she said. "I feel so comfortable around you and happy."

I sat down next to her on the couch. "I make you happy?"

I rested my hand on hers.


A warm feeling washed over me, a feeling I've never felt before with a girl I've liked. However, Beth's overthinking side kicked in.

"Do you think we're moving too fast," she asked. "I mean this is our second time seeing each other and we've talked over the phone once."

"I think we're letting go of the feelings we have towards each other. They were building up inside of us and we just released them."

"Wise words, Taylor," she laughed.

"Besides some people move faster or slower than others," I said. "I think it just depends on them. For us we're already comfortable around each other."

"I don't trust people so easily but for you it was different," she admitted. "I can't explain it."

"I'm the same why and neither can I."

We had the most American evening, she ordered pizza and we watched her favorite movie Grease starring John Travolta.

"Is they're any coincidence that you like men with the name, 'John'?"

"I've never thought about that until know," she covered her mouth in embarrassment.

She knew the whole movie word for word and whenever the dance scenes came up she copied the same moves. She also dragged me up from the couch and taught me a few moves.

"Like this," I asked watching the screen trying to follow the moves of the character 'Danny Zuko'.

"Yes, you're doing it!"

The One For Me | John TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now