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Beth sat in their bedroom staring outside the window watching cars drive by. It's been a few days since her and John's incident at the restaurant and they haven't spoke since. John hasn't tired to apologize and Beth had no interest in talking to him.

She watched his car pull into the drive way and put out his cigarette. He looked up to the window to try giving her a smile but she closed the curtains before he could do it.

John took a couple deep breaths to calm his nerves. He had a plan to finally break the silence but was terrified it wouldn't go his way. He fiddled with the small box inside his pocket and walked inside.

Beth heard the front door close and she sat back down by the window with her back turned to the bedroom entrance.

"Hi love," he walked inside. She didn't respond.

Silent filled the room for awhile until he couldn't take it anymore.

"Beth, I'm sorry," he took a seat next to her. "I truly am. I am an idiot for breaking my promise, letting my anger out, and doubting you."

He tried to hold her hands but she pulled it away.

"That's all you have to say," she responded with annoyance.

"What else am I supposed to say," he stood up. "I apologized and I can't stop regretting what I've done."

"I don't know John but you embarrassed me and accused me of something you know I didn't do!"

"Look I'm sorry that I ruined your-,"

"I don't care about my birthday," she cut him off. "What I care about is that you don't trust me!"

"I do Beth!"

"Then why did you believe me the first time but then the next you flipped out? You know I would never do that to you! Never!"

He shrugged. "It look too real and you and Matt are so buddy buddy that I thought you lied to me."

"Yes Matt tried to kiss me but I didn't let him! To get it through your thick skull we can call him," she crossed her arms.

"That's childish," he rolled his eyes.

"You don't have a say what's childish or not," Beth sarcastically laughed. "Why did you act the way you did John?"

He couldn't tell her. He couldn't tell her what Renee said because it end up leading to destroy everything. He most definitely couldn't tell her what was causing his dramatic mood shifts.

"I guess I was just jealous. I was jealous that you were with him and not me and that he 'was' kissing you when I'm the only one that should be doing that," he explained. "Because you're mine and the only one for me, Beth Violet Williams."

As much as she wanted to keep being angry with him and to let the rest of her thoughts out, she lowered her guard. She couldn't keep being mad especially the way his big brown eyes full of sorrow looked down at her. Her heart ached while giving John the silent treatment but he deserved it.

"Oh Johnny, you make it so hard to be mad at you," she rested her head on his chest. It felt back to normal having her in his arms. They held each other, taking in their presence that they've missed so much.

"I've got something for you," he reached into his pocket and pulled out the small box.

Beth's eyes widen and her heart rate increased.
"Johnny," she whispered, nervous of what she thought it would be.

"Love relax," he laughed as he opened the box to reveal a silver band, holding three small diamonds. "It's a promise ring."

She released the air she was holding, in relief.

"So if it was an engagement ring I guess you would've said no huh," he joked.

"Oh shush, I was just a bit nervous if it was because we've never really talked about marriage," she gently pushed him.

"That's why I got you this ring," he grabbed her hand and slid it onto her engagement finger. "I think it's a bit early for an engagement one but a perfect time for this."

"It's beautiful," she examined it. "I love it!"

"From now on I promise to never break any more promises, to never doubt you, to love you unconditionally, and to be by your side no matter what. I love you Beth, you're my world," he planted a kiss on her lips.

Warmth rushed through their bodies as they shared their special moment. Beth had happy tears falling down her cheeks and John was there to wipe them.

"I love you so much John," she cupped his face. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

John felt himself getting choked up. The thought of Renee was completely erased out of his mind.

"I still need to make up your birthday dinner so I made a reservation for your favorite restaurant in London. Also you looked stunning in that red dress, could you wear it tonight for me please," he stuck out his bottom lip.

"Of course," she kissed it. "Anything for you."

She stood up begin to walk away to get ready for tonight but John pulled her back into his arms.

"I have to get ready," she tried to escape his cuddle but it was no use.

"Oh love we've got time to spare," he covered her in kisses. "A few hours at most."

"What are we going to do with it Mr. Taylor," she giggled.

"I have the perfect idea," he smirked.
I honestly thought this was cute but the drama isn't done yet hehe

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