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october circa 1988

It's been a year and a half since Beth and John exchanged their final "I love you's". However, it only feels like yesterday for them. But they no longer hold onto it like they used to, now they simply store the memories and wish to never open them up again.

Beth, now 27, has been married to Matt for about 10 months and is the happiest as can be. Their wedding consisted of friends and family, such as her parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, Lydia and Nicolas, Nick and Julie, and Simon and Yasmin. Roger, Andy and their wives couldn't make it but they sent gifts and their congratulations.

John, age 28, has been engaged to Renee since the beginning of the year but they still have their problems. Renee still reigns has the top supermodel and Duran Duran were currently on the 'Nine City Caravan Club Tour', also preparing for their 'Big Live Thing Tour'. With the pressure and stress thrown onto John, his small substance usage that only occurred during late night parties slowly began to turn into a daily routine.
Beth walked downstairs to answer the knock on her front door. Opening it, revealed the mail man who had a medium sized cardboard box underneath his arm.

"Good morning, here's your package," he handed it to her while also passing along a clipboard. "I just need your signature."

"Got it," she smiled and quickly signed the confirmation slip. "Here you go!"

"Thank you, have a nice day," he turned on his heel and continued his route.

She locked the door behind her and set the package down while she read the shipping address.

"From Roger?" She raised an eyebrow and peeled off the duct tape that held down the folds.

The first thing she spotted was a letter that sat on top of whatever was underneath it. Her name was written on the envelop and she quickly unsealed it.

Hi Beth,

I hope you're doing well. If you're wondering how I'm doing, I'm doing good and so is Gio. I know I sent you a package not too long ago which was your wedding gift but last week, Gio and I, were cleaning out our home to get rid of unnecessary items. As I was doing so, I found a box that had unrecognizable items, it wasn't our possessions. But I realized that this was a forgotten package of yours when I was helping you move from London back to New York. I thought it might've been okay that I forgot to send it to you years ago but Gio couldn't believe what I've done and insisted that I sent your belongings back. But I feel that I should've trusted my gut because you probably won't find the box to your liking, I remember who purchased the things inside of it. Anyhow, sorry I'm sending this nearly four years later, hope you can forgive me.

All the best,

Two left feet Roger

The handwritten letter brought a smile to her face, especially their included inside joke. But she felt nervous about what was going to be unboxed.

Beth set the message to the side and hesitantly reached for the first item in the box. The first item she retrieved was a familiar looking white box. She opened it and at the sight of the jewelry, it made her smile. The first thing John ever bought for her, the emerald earrings that matched perfectly with her eyes. She still couldn't believe he made such a big purchase during their second time together.

Eager to know what else the box contained, she began to unpack it.
Majority of the items were things that John bought for her, like the pearl jewelry set. But it also consisted of little knick knacks that resembled different meanings; tickets to the Van Halen concert, stuffed animals, holiday cards, etc. However, the prized possession of the box were the pictures of them together. Lots of them were taken when they first started dating, she knew there were more but they weren't in there.

After taking a trip down memory lane, she thought it would end there but at the very bottom rested another letter. Her name was written in John's handwriting, capitalized and sloppy.

The letter was written a few weeks after they broke up. Before opening it, she gathered herself and reminded herself that they are only words.

Dearest Beth,

You know way before his wife, F. Scott Fitzgerald was madly in love with a different girl. She would be considered as his first love or to him, his "golden girl". Defined by the man himself, it meant that she was the woman he was supposed to spend forever with but never did. What I'm trying to say is that I don't want you to be my "golden girl" because you're simply the one for me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You make life so much better because with your bright personality, you never let it darken. Everything about you makes my heart beat out of my chest. I honestly can't picture myself without you because you helped shape the person I am today. I also can't see myself living the rest of my life without you, it brings me fear if I do. I hope this letter gets to you before you leave our home for good and if it does, please know I am here waiting and hoping that we can talk again. Beth Violet Williams, I don't care what you think, you're going to always be the one for me. I love you and don't ever forget it.

The one for you,


Completely forgetting that they were just words, she couldn't help but let out a joyful chuckle and hold the paper close to her heart.

"Stubborn, even through writing," she admired the hard headed person John could be. Beth then muttered to herself, "I promise you, I'll never forget it."

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