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With the Sing Blue Silver Tour finally over the band were finally on a break. Andy and Tracey recently became parents to their first born son. They all went to visit the baby boy and to congratulate the parents.

"Oh he's the cutest thing ever," Beth whispered to John as she held the newborn. She slowly rocked side to side to keep Andy Jr. from awakening.

"Looks just like Andy," he hovered over him. "Hopefully he doesn't act like him."

From the couch, Julie watched how the two lovers both had a soft look on their face as they smiled down at the baby. She thought that they would make a fine family.

"Wanna hold him," Beth asked. He nodded and she gently placed him in his arms.

She took in the moment, it made her heart all mushy. John holding the tiny baby in his arms, looking down at him with a huge smile, and freaking out when Andy Jr. moved a little.

Beth started thinking about John as a dad and if they had a family. Maybe the young, wild, party living John could settle down and become a dad. He knows he wants to have a child or two but not anytime soon because 'We're both still so young and don't need any setbacks to living our lives.'

She thought about herself as a mom, she hoped to be just like her mom because she herself turned out fine. But she remembered that giving birth was the worst pain to experience, that was a little setback. Plus she would like to get married first before having a kid.

The baby noticed he wasn't in his mother's arms anymore and began to wail.

"He's crying, he's crying," he panicked. "Tracey your kid's crying!"

"It's okay John," she laughed. "Panic a little less would ya?"

He handed her the baby and sighed. "That scared me a little."

Beth giggled. "It was cute watching you cradle him."

"Oh don't get any ideas," he shook his head. "Do you see those two, they're literal zombies!"

"But they're both loosing their ability to sleep together," she pointed out.

"You always look on the better side don't you," he wrapped his arms over her shoulder. "I love you for it."

She rested back on him, feeling his heart beat pounding. Nick walked up to them.

"We're thinking about going to the club later tonight to celebrate the parenthood of the two, it's also a date night for them. Care to join us?"

"That's sounds fun! Let's go John, I feel like we haven't gone dancing in awhile."

"I'm in."
Before leaving their home to meet up with their friends, the phone rang.

"I got it," John picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Nigel, I thought you would definitely call me after Beth's latest exposure," the voice sent chills down his spine.

"Renee," was all he could get out.

"Don't act so surprised," she giggled. "Remember our magical night together you gave me your number and if I remember correctly you said 'I wait to hear your angelic voice soon.' "

The One For Me | John TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now