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"Ladies and gentlemen our next performing band, Duran Duran!"

We all jogged out and waved at the crowd which I thought was huge for a fashion show.
They went wild though.

"Good evening everyone," Simon said through the mic. "Who's ready to watch some more beautiful ladies get their strut on!"

They crowd cheered and clapped.

"This first song here is, Girls. On. Film."
The lights flashed with the intro and the girls began to walk out.

If I'm being honest, they were all so hot but I scanned them nonstop to look for Beth.
I started to play my part, hitting each note perfectly as I kept scanning.

Most of the girls looked at us and gave us smiles, I winked back at a few of them who I thought were worth receiving one.

After Girls On Film, we began to play Rio. We were only playing 5 songs tonight because they had some other band after us too.

I made eye contact with Roger and he nodded his head, this song makes us work but it's so fun to play.

Halfway through the song, I saw her, I saw Beth. I felt my heart skip a beat, she was even more beautiful in person. But she didn't look at me, she kept her eyes focused straight ahead. After she posed at the front and turned around, she looked at us with amazement and she look at me for a second with shock and quickly looked away.

I smiled to myself, she's already shy.
We finished playing but during Rio was the only time I saw her.

"I'd say that went pretty good," Andy said.

"I though John was going to loose it," Simon laughed.

"You shouldn't be talking, it looks like you have a problem."

We laughed at Simon.

"Poor Roger, couldn't see anything," Nick said.

"It's true, I'm too focused trying not to miss a beat."

"I'll tell all about them at the after party," Andy elbowed him.

"Out of everyone of us the married man will do it," Simon laughed.

I had a plan to find Beth at the after party but I'm still not too sure yet.
We arrived at the after party and there were tons of people, there were the models, the people from the crowd, and the performers from today.

The servers handed us glasses of champagne and offered us small desserts.

"John did you see you're girlfriend today," Nick asked.

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Ever since that magazine all you've been thinking about is her," he lowered his tone. "You even calmed down."

I rolled my eyes and didn't say anything. It was true though, I slowed down on my sleeping around.

"Well did you," Roger asked.

"Yeah I did, during Rio, her favorite song."

"What a coincidence," they laughed.

"Did she see you," Simon asked.

"Yeah but she looked away quickly," I shrugged. "I'm guessing she's shy."

A couple of beautiful models walked up to us but the better looking one out of all of them came up to me.

"Hi, I'm Stella," she smiled. "I was wondering if you wanted to dance."

The other girls that came with her asked Nick, Roger, and Simon but Andy declined, what a faithful husband.

The One For Me | John TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now