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night before the ball

Being back in the city that never sleeps, felt like a warm and inviting hug. Even though it's only been a few months of living in Los Angeles, Beth had to admit she was a bit homesick.

Right after her and Matt landed, they went straight to visit her best friend, Lydia and her husband, Nicolas. The anticipation of arriving to their home was killing Beth. Before their flight, Lydia called saying she had big news to tell and from that moment on, Beth couldn't stop thinking about it.

"What do you think it is?" An antsy Beth, questioned Matt. Before letting him answer she assumed, "What if she's planning to move out to LA!"

"That would be neat," he smiled. "But only they know the right answer."

Ignoring his comment, she kept guessing until their taxi reached their destination.
"Beth!" She screamed, wrapping her arms around her neck and brought her into a tight hug. Without hesitation, Beth did the same. Having her dearest friend back in her arms felt right. She's missed her terribly, she would've thought leaving her the second time wouldn't be as hard as the first. They would stay like this for a few moments, taking in each other's presence.

Beth greeted Nicolas with a hug as well. He had to lower himself to be able to hug her properly.

"Great to have you back, Beth," his said softly, his accent as strong as ever.

The couple were invited in and were brought to sit down on their luxury sofa in the living room. Excitement and nervousness filled Beth from head to toe as Lydia and Nicolas prepared themselves to deliver the news.

"So," a squirmy Beth asked. "What is it!"

Nicolas wrapped his arm around his partner and at the same time they shouted:
"We're going to have a baby!"
Out on the balcony, Matt and Nicolas were having a beer to celebrate the news of the couple. Inside, Beth and Lydia were chatting away as if they haven't talked on the phone a day ago.

"I am so happy for you," she gently squeezed Lydia's hands. "You're going to be wonderful parents. The best ones in the game!"

"Thank you," she smiled brightly. "I'm looking forward for the journey that lies ahead. Especially since I've got a great partner next to me."

She looked through the glass sliding doors and admired her dark eyed and dark curly haired husband.

"How did wanting to have a baby come up?" A curious Beth asked. She wanted to have some background information to help her out if her and Matt would have a similar discussion in the near future.

"We were talking about how we've been married for more than a year and somehow we started talking about starting a family," she recalled. "One thing that pushed us to do this was our age. I'm nearing 30 and Nic 33, so we thought we could do it right now. We aren't too young but not too old either."

"I think that's how Matt feel," Beth confessed. "He's been talking about getting married and settling down because he's getting 'old'. Which is crazy because he's not. I think he wants to do all this right away."

"You don't sound too excited about it," a worried friend tilted her head to look her in the eyes. "Why's that?"

"No I'm perfectly happy with the idea of marrying him but," she trailed. "I feel like it's coming so fast. I guess what I'm saying is that, it can sort of wait. Can it?"

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