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Los Angeles, CA circa 1987

"Have you ever thought about getting married," Matt asked, while him and Beth were in the backyard. Beth has recently grew fond of gardening, it was much better weather to do so here than chilly New York. "I mean, just in general?"

"Do you mean, if I've ever thought about getting married to someone that I wanted to," she questioned and raised her eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, like for example, did you think about getting married to John," he said the name as if it took all of his guts to spit it out. Her head whipped towards him and she gave him a unsettled look. "What, I'm just curious and be honest."

"Okay then," she removed her bright yellow gloves and took a seat in the lawn chair next to him. "Yeah I did. We loved each other enough to spend the rest of our lives together. But marriage was the last thing John was focused on, he wanted us to live first before tying the knot. When I started to catch on that it was a topic that wouldn't be talked about for awhile, I stopped thinking about it less."

"So you both weren't on the same page," he questioned after learning some new information.

"Basically, yeah," she shrugged. "I mean I think we weren't on the same page about most things because look how that turned out."

She tried to laugh off the uncomfortable topic but Matt reached to hold her hands in his.

"Sorry I brought it up," his thumb rubbed over her palm. "I just wanted to know. But has your perspective on it now changed?"

"Oh don't be, that was awhile ago," she gave him a reassuring smile as she ran her hand through his loose combed back hair. "But for a bit it did but now I haven't thought about it. What's making you ask?"

"Because I see you in my future," he deeply looked into her precious green eyes. "Actually, I want you in my future."

Beth's heart rate increase the second. Is he going to do what she was thinking?

"What about you?"

She let a small breath release but quickly nodded.

"Of course I do, Mattie," she cooed. "What we have just makes me know we'll last forever, no matter what."

"I feel the exact same way," he grinned from ear to ear. "So do you think we can start talking about it or at least think about it?"

She knew was he was referring too. Although, she started to feel nervous because of the importance of the topic, she also couldn't help but feel the butterflies flutter around her stomach.

"Of course we-," the phone ringing cut her off. Matt jumped up but before he left he to receive it, he planted a kiss on top of her head.

"Hold that thought."

She watched the tan and shirtless Matt jog into the house then vanish. Beth was left with her thoughts of getting married to him. All she could say was there is no bad thought about it. Matt loved her with all his heart and he made her know it. He's made comments about it before. Like one time, Beth was being quite silly and cause Matt to laugh until his sides hurt. Once he caught his breath, he responded with:

"I'm gonna marry you some day."

Caught up in her thoughts, she didn't noticed he was back by her side. His sudden presence brought her back to reality and ended her plucking of the green grass.

"That was, Gerald," he spoke of his agent. "Said we're invited to a spring ball and I guess everyone's supposed to be there."

"Who's everyone," she raised her eyebrow.

He explained it was for models that were frequently in best selling magazines, including themselves.

"That means Yasmin and Julie will be there," she squealed. "Oh I haven't seen them in ages!"

"I knew you'd be happy to hear that," he chuckled. "Doesn't that mean Nick and Simon will be there too?"

Her smile grew even bigger as she thought about her other two friends.

"Oh I've got so much catching up to do with them," she sighed. "All of them."

"So I take that as a 'yes' to go to New York and attend it?"

He already knew he answer, it was written all over her face.

"Definitely," she rested her head on his broad shoulder. "First, I'm going to call Simon an idiot for the boat incident and then I'll hug him to let him know I couldn't bear to lose him."

"I think he got the idea when you lectured him on the phone for a good 30 minutes and then the next 30 minutes you kept telling him how great of a person he is," Matt laughed back on the call.

"Yeah, I know," she smiled. "But Si has terrible luck with water! When the boys were filming 'The Wild Boys' music video, Simon was strapped to a windmill type machinery and his head would graze the water or go under. One time he nearly drowned so we stopped filming that scene and right after he caught a cold. Oh Johnny, I um John, was so pissed and found the whole music video a bit silly."

"You were with them on set," he shifted to look down at her.

"Yeah," she thought back on the countless of hours spent on set. "John, wanted me there. He always wanted me by his side."

Anytime Beth became sentimental about John, such as now, Matt couldn't help but feel a rise of jealousy inside of him. He came up with an excuse to go and relieve some steam. But his emotions were too noticeable and Beth knows him too well to know he was feeling some type of way.

"You know I love you," her words stopped him mid tracks. "Right?"

"Yeah I know," he didn't turn to face her. "I love you too."

He tried to walk away again but Beth wouldn't let him escape so easily.

"And that I long for the day to become Mrs. Malcom," she brought up the previous topic and stood up to wrap her arms around his torso.

He finally gave in and flipped around towards her to crash his lips onto hers. His hand holding the side of her head and she held onto it once he broke away.

"Is that what you want," he whispered. "Because I know I do."

"Yes, I want it more than anything."
a/n: omg my first short chapter in like forever. a little boring but it's just to show where beth and matt's relationship is at. the longer chapters I've been taking about are going to be the next ones. <3

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