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The day of the concert, New Years Eve:

I've been deciding what to wear for the past hour and I have been getting nowhere. I want to look my best for tonight because we're both so eager to see each other.

After John and I's phone call, I could not go to sleep that night, all I could think about was his voice, his laugh and everything he told me.

I decided to call Lydia over to my apartment to help me choose my outfit and 30 minutes later she came.

"Alright let's do this," she went through my closet. "I'm thinking a little sluty but a little classy so he can't keep his eyes off you."

Lydia wouldn't be going with me to the concert because she was spending New Years Eve with the French model from the fashion show in London. The models name was Nicolas Ansel, and him and Lydia have been keeping in touch since then.

"Here what about this!" She threw an outfit on my bed. It was a skin tight black long sleeve dress that was off the shoulders, only covered my breasts and the rest of my upper chest was exposed, and it stopped mid thigh.

"How is this classy?" It was more sluty than it was classy.

"Okay maybe I changed my mind about the classy," she shrugged. "But remember when you went out in this last time, everyone's eyes were on you."

I picked it up and held it up to me.

"Cmon it's a great outfit for tonight!"

I changed into the dress and looked at myself again.

"Yes, yes and yes," Lydia said. "This outfit was made for you!"

The dress did fit my curves perfectly but it also made me feel a bit insecure. Was I showing too much skin?

"I don't know Lydia, it's-," She cut me off.

"Let me stop you right there. This could be the last time you could see him, if you don't make a bigger impression, a bigger one than last time, he could change his mind about you."

I didn't want that to happen. I liked John, a lot. I don't think I've ever liked someone so much.

"Okay, I'll wear it."
After doing my makeup and hair, I was finally done. Lydia and I looked at myself in my vanity.

"You are so beautiful Beth," she hugged me. "He's going to drop dead for you."
The cab dropped me off in front of the Palladium. I stepped out onto the lightly snowed covered sidewalk, it was extra cold today. I wrapped my fake fur coat around me and showed my ticket to get inside.

The concert didn't start start until 11 pm and I arrived an hour early. There were people already here but they kept coming the minute. I felt awkward sitting by myself at a table, I really wished Lydia was here.

I was also feeling anxious, so anxious. I wondered if he still looked the same at last time. His brown and blonde shaggy hair, that looked so soft. I wonder if he's still wearing the same cologne as last time, it smelt heavenly.

To calm my nerves I went to the bar to buy myself a drink. As I waited, I felt multiple pairs of eyes on me. Men scanning my body up and down and women looking at me with jealousy.
I took a sip and the champagne soothed my nerves a bit.

I saw a few familiar faces and said 'Hi' and had small conversations with them. This killed the time because the lights turn off, it was time for the show. My heart began racing.

The lights flashed and figures made there way onto the stage. The stage lights pointed to them and there they were.

My eyes went straight to John. His hair still looked the same fluffy way, he wore a red button up, and black leather pants. John
picked up his bass from the stand and plugged it into the amp.

The One For Me | John TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now