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"Why don't we go for a walk," she asked, looking through the window. "It feels a bit stuffy in here."

"It's going to storm soon, love," he responded, glancing through the same window, seeing the dark rain clouds coming their way.

"A bit of rain won't hurt," she turned away from the glass and walked towards where he sat. "C'mon Johnny."

She took a seat on his lap and ran her hands through his now longer dark brown loose curls with his blond tips now fading out. His heart grew warm from her actions and kept his soft stare on her emerald green eyes as she admired his hair.

"Okay," he smiled, placing his hand on her cheek, his thumb stroking it. "Let's go."

She kissed his nose as a thank you and rushed to get her coat and boots. John stuck his arm through his dark raincoat and lit a cigarette. He opened the door for Beth and locked it behind him.

She waited down the steps with her arm reaching out for him to hold. He entwined his fingers with hers, the hand size difference caused them to laugh.

They started down the pavement with a light cool breeze starting to flow as the rain was heading their way. Beth inhaled the smell of the fresh rain, this was her favorite type of weather. Lucky for her, living in London gave it to her very often.

"You're right," he said between huffs. "It was stuffy in the house."

John was enjoying the weather as much as she was. It was what he needed especially with his hectic schedule going on.

Letting her curious mind speak for herself she asked, "When did you first start smoking?"

Before answering he let out a chuckle from being caught off guard.

"I guess it started in secondary school when all the 'cool kids' were doing it and I wanted to fit in," he shrugged.

"I bet you were the coolest kid and they started because of you," she teased.

"Um no," he shook his head. "I looked quite dorky with chubby cheeks and thick rimmed glasses."

She tried picturing the teenage John but she couldn't. The handsome and sharped facial John was the only image she had in her head.

"Oh I have to see a picture," she laughed. "Can you wear glasses instead of contacts now?"

"I love you Beth but absolutely not," he smiled, shaking his head.

It began to sprinkle and the clouds were a shade darker, with the sound of thunder not too far behind. John put his cigarette out and pulled Beth by her waist bring her closer.

The light sprinkle didn't stop them from continuing down the neighborhood of giant homes that cost a fortune, perfectly trimmed green lawns, and the quietness to be able to hear the droplets hit the ground.

"What were you like in high school," he questioned but had a general idea.

"I was a pretty good student, barely made honor roll, consistent A's, a cheerleader, and was prom queen," she explained like it didn't mean anything which to her it didn't.

"Sounds like you were the girl in secon- I mean high school," catching himself and using the correct term. "Did you have any boyfriends?"

The One For Me | John TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now