Reunited. continued

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John hesitantly sat in the empty seat across from Beth. There was no reason to feel a burden when the group invited him to sit with them but he managed to feel so. He couldn't help but feel a hard stare and when he looked up, he was faced with the man who was making his Beth happy now.

"You're never on time, aren't you," Nick asked while laughing. "We all thought you wouldn't show up!"

"Well we made it," John faked a smile.

"Where's Renee," Yasmin asked about her close friend, looking around the room.

At the corner of his eye, John saw Beth wince at the sound of his girlfriends name. A pang of guilt shot through him.

"She's uh, somewhere," he waved his hand around, not really caring where she was located. He hoped she'd stay as far away from the table.

An awkward silence filled the air. The group knew the past the of John and Beth, so every one of them felt the tension. Not being able to take it anymore, Simon spoke up.

"Oh this song is great! Let's go dance, Yas," he offered his hand and she gladly took it. The pair escaped the table.

Nick gave Julie a look and she took the hint.

"We're going to go catch up with some friends," Julie stated. Beth's eyes widen and hoped her friend wouldn't leave her. John did the same to Nick but he was given a shoulder pat.

"We'll be back in a few," Julie gave her a comforting smile and vanished into the crowd with Nick.

Beth, Matt, and John were the only ones seated at the table, which was more silent than before. Each of them were uncomfortable to the max. A group of models and other famous people shouted Matt's name and waved him over.

"C'mon let's go," he encouraged her to stand. Matt was a few steps in front of her but before she could catch up, she was stopped.

John gently reached out to her hand before she could move any further. "Beth wait."

His touch caused her breath to hitch and she quickly pulled her hand away. She held her hand close to her chest as she collected herself at his sudden move.

"I'm sorry," he quickly apologized. "But can we talk. Please?"

Trying to formulate words to get out of her mouth, Matt called for her from where he stood. Beth looked between John and Matt, then made her decision. She rushed to Matt's side but didn't continue to walk with him.

"You go on without me, okay," she smiled. "I'll catch up to you later."

Before he could respond, she turned on her heel and walked backed to the table.

Matt's heart sank to his stomach. No matter how long they've been dating and what John had did to her, she picked him in a heart beat.

For John, watching Beth change her direction to sit with him, he couldn't help but try to hide his smile.

Beth took her seat next to him, more nervous than ever. She fiddled with her fingers as she waited for him to speak.

"Am I making you nervous," he questioned for he noticed her soft hands recent movements. At his words, she dropped her hands into her lap and shook her head with a gulp.

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