Chapter 8

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As Five and Katherine descended the stairs to the main living area, his gaze was drawn to the portrait his father had placed there to commemorate his absence.

A mixture of emotions swirled within him – bitterness at the portrait's presence only after he was gone, yet a glimmer of appreciation for his father's acknowledgment. "Nice to know dad didn't forget me," he quipped, turning to Vanya, who approached them in silence, her own turmoil evident.

"Read your book, by the way. Found it in a library that was miraculously still standing," he casually mentioned, his gaze shifting to another portrait nearby. This one depicted his father alongside Katherine, both wearing smiles that seemed worlds away from the tension in the room.

'She's still smiling, just like in the portrait,' he mused, stealing a glance at Katherine, who sat on the couch, lost in her own thoughts.

"I thought it was a pretty bold move, spilling family secrets – especially Katherine's. She adores it, really. Makes me read it to her every night," Five remarked, his gaze dancing mischievously between Vanya and Katherine, who shot him a playful glare that he found utterly endearing.

"Surely that went over well," he deadpanned, his attention now fully on Vanya.

"They despise me," Vanya finally spoke up, her voice tinged with regret. Katherine rose from her seat, a sudden urge to explore the room overtaking her.

Five let out a sigh, his tone heavy with resignation. "There are worse things that can happen."

Vanya continued, her voice trembling slightly, "Like what happened to Ben?"

Katherine, her attention refocused, seemingly forgotten her exploration, her body went rigid, her gaze lowered as her memories of the past weighed heavily on her heart.

"Worst than bad," Five chimed in, his voice low. He shifted his focus to Katherine, his expression softening as he observed the turmoil in her eyes.

Katherine's voice was barely above a whisper as she ventured to ask, "Was it... truly terrible?"

Vanya's response was barely audible, a quiet admission of the pain that lingers. The room grew heavier with the weight of their shared sorrow, the atmosphere growing somber. Five turned his gaze to Katherine, who took a deep breath, her eyes glassy yet still adorned with a brave smile that only seemed to enhance her beauty.

The family assembled in the courtyard, holding umbrellas to shield themselves from the rain – everyone except Luther and Diego, of course.

Forming a half-circle, they exchanged puzzled glances as their mother, oblivious to the situation, innocently inquired, "Did something happen?" Allison's incredulous look said it all, and she answered, "Dad died. Remember?"

"Oh... Yes, of course," their mother replied, her expression shifting from obliviousness to a pained realization. An awkward silence fell upon them, each lost in their own thoughts.

"Is mom okay?" Katherine whispered to Five, genuine concern etching her voice, only to have Diego intercept with his own version of reassurance.

"Yeah, yeah, she's just peachy. Just needs her beauty rest, you know, to recharge," Diego quipped, eyeing their mother with concern. Five, never one to share, draped an arm around Katherine, pulling her closer – a possessive move that didn't go unnoticed by their siblings, and certainly not by Katherine.

With Luther holding their father's ashes in a pot, the moment to say goodbye had arrived. "Whenever you're ready, dear boy," Pogo gently encouraged. Luther opened the pot, pouring the ashes onto the ground, his expression distant and lost.

As the ashes fell, Klaus couldn't resist adding his own brand of humor, "Probably would've been more dramatic with a gust of wind." Luther's comment turned the somber scene on its head. "Does anyone wish to speak?" Pogo inquired, and his gaze turned to Katherine, his expression conveying an expectation.

"Miss Katherine?" Pogo prompted. Stepping forward, Katherine left Five's side, which was met with his evident displeasure. "He's unusual, our father. Expressing emotions was never his strong suit – love, fatherly affection. Yet, in his own peculiar way, I believe he was proud of us. Imperfect as he was, he tried his best. As his first adopted child, I am proud to be a Hargreeves," Katherine concluded. Her siblings stood awkwardly, not entirely sure how to respond to such heartfelt words from their long-lost sister.

Returning to Five's side, she was welcomed with a warm embrace, while the others struggled to process what had just transpired. Diego coughed and cleared his throat, attempting to regain some semblance of normalcy.

"Thank you, Miss Katherine. In every sense, Sir Reginald Hargreeves shaped who I am today. For that, I am eternally indebted. He was my mentor... and my friend. His legacy is complex-" Pogo's words were cut short as he faced an interruption from his sarcastic brother.

"He was a monster," Diego bluntly stated, his words dripping with bitterness. "A bad person and an even worse father. The world is better off without him." The weight of their father's transgressions was palpable in Diego's tone, reflecting the anger that had long been building.

"Diego, stop," Allison snapped, her voice laden with frustration. Her sister's intervention was quick to follow. "Diego," Katherine echoed, her tone more measured but still commanding respect.

Diego, however, was undeterred. "My name is Number Two, and do you know why? Because our dear old dad couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had mom do it."

"Enough!" Luther bellowed, his patience finally waning. Five's protective instincts flared, moving him in front of Katherine. "After everything he did to you? He shipped you off to God knows where," Diego continued, each word a venomous jab at Luther's past. In a swift movement, Luther's fist swung toward Diego, who managed to dodge the attack.

As the tension escalated, Vanya's patience waned. "Stop this at once!" she demanded, her voice commanding attention. The siblings stood by, their eyes fixed on the escalating brawl, until Katherine's eyes flared with an eerie red glow.

"Enough," she declared, her voice laced with authority. In the face of her command, Luther and Diego hesitated and eventually ceased their fight. The siblings began to retreat inside, leaving Klaus alone in the courtyard.

Inside the house, Katherine closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to calm herself. As she reopened them, Klaus watched in awe as the red glow that had once consumed her gaze slowly receded, returning her eyes to their natural color.

Impressed by her display of power, Klaus grinned widely. "Note to self: don't mess with Katherine." He approached their father's ashes, addressing the urn with a sardonic tone. "You must be having a ball up there, huh? The perfect dysfunctional family reunion. Just like old times." His cigarette was given a final drag before being unceremoniously snuffed out in the ashes. "Best funeral ever," he quipped, a touch of mockery in his voice.

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