Chapter 19

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"No!" Gunshots echoed everywhere, causing Katherine to snap her head and hurry towards Five. A sudden pain shot through her shoulder, making her feel unstable, but she decided to ignore it.

"Oh, shit! It's them," Five exclaimed, his attention divided between the situation at hand and Katherine, who was now touching her wound that showed no signs of healing.

'What's happening? Don't tell me...' She thought, her mind racing through the worst-case scenarios.

"Five..." She called out urgently, but he seemed entirely focused on dealing with the two intruders.

"Five!" she whispered loudly, frustration evident in her voice as he finally tore his gaze away to look at her, his expression clearly irritated.

"Go. I'll get her. We can't keep this up forever," I urged him, my voice urgent as I looked at Five. He stared at me as if I were a lunatic, clearly hesitant.

"I'm not going to fucking leave you."

"You won't. I'll just get her, and you stay covered."

Before he could voice his protest, I darted towards Dolores, grabbing her and catching the attention of the two masked assailants. I tried to channel my powers, but they seemed ineffective, leaving me confused and frustrated.

Five, not one to let me take on all the danger, lunged at the bunny-masked attacker and slashed her with a blade. She cried out in pain, and the other assailant opened fire, but Five teleported every time, evading the shots effortlessly.

"Come here," Five pulled me towards him, surprising me. My instincts kicked in, and I readied myself to attack until I realized it was just Five, holding a bag, and looking at me with urgency. I crouched beside him, watching the two masked figures search for us.

Gripping Five's hand tightly, I pulled him along as we moved quietly. Five attempted to use his spatial jumps, but exhaustion and weariness seemed to hinder his abilities.

He couldn't spatial jump.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concern etching my voice as I peered at Five.

"Can't you guess?!" Five snapped, frustration evident in his tone.

Rolling my eyes, I focused on finding an escape route. We didn't have time for pointless arguments. "Let's exit through the front door. I'll break the window," I suggested, my gaze determined as I eyed the glass door. However, my body betrayed me, and I felt myself growing weaker, struggling to hold on.

"No, I'll do the breaking. Let's go." Five led me through the clothing racks, his determination to keep me safe clear. As we prepared to jump to the display, our attackers spotted us and fired in our direction.

Time seemed to slow down as I saw the bullets approach. With swift reflexes, I pushed Five out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the gunfire. He pulled me close, and I ended up landing in his lap, his arms wrapped around me protectively.

"Five," I whimpered, my strength waning. I touched the wound on my shoulder, the pain making me grow paler even in the dim light. My hand was stained with crimson, a stark contrast against my skin.

"I'll make them pay," Five growled through gritted teeth, his anger evident as he glanced towards the assailants. But before he could act on his rage, the sound of sirens pierced the air, signaling the arrival of law enforcement.

"The bastard jumped again. They're nowhere to be found," we heard them say, and the other assailant urged a hasty retreat.

Katherine's head began to spin as the pain intensified, and the world around her seemed to blur. She tried to maintain her composure, but her vision started to fade, and her legs gave way. Before she knew it, she was collapsing to the ground.

"Katherine!" Five's voice echoed in her ears, distant yet filled with panic. He quickly knelt beside her, his hands gently shaking her shoulders. "Hey, stay with me. Come on."

The world swirled in a haze as Katherine struggled to keep her eyes open. Five's face was a blur, but she could sense the urgency in his voice. She felt his hand pressing against her wound, applying pressure to stop the bleeding.

"Katherine, you can't pass out on me now," Five pleaded, his voice cracking with a mix of fear and frustration.

Five's heart raced as he watched Katherine collapse to the ground, her face contorted in pain. Panic surged through him, a familiar and unwelcome sensation. He had seen enough death and loss, and he refused to let it happen again, especially not to Katherine.

Kneeling beside her, he gently cradled her head in his hands, his touch frantic yet careful. "Katherine, come on, stay with me," he pleaded, his voice trembling with fear. He assessed the wound, his mind racing to come up with a solution.

Seeing her pale complexion and shallow breathing, Five knew he couldn't waste any time. He leaned down, his lips almost brushing her ear as he whispered, "Hold on, okay? I'm going to get help."

With that, he was on his feet, sprinting towards the Umbrella Academy as fast as his legs could carry him. The rain-soaked streets blurred around him as his thoughts raced, each step pounding with urgency. He burst through the doors, his breath ragged and his words tumbling out in a rush.

"Guys! It's Katherine, she's hurt, bad. We need to help her, now!"

His siblings turned to him, shock and concern evident in their faces. Luther quickly took charge, organizing a plan to assist Katherine while Diego and Allison gathered medical supplies.

Five led the way, his anxiety fueling his speed as they returned to Katherine. He knelt by her side once more, his hands now shaking with a mix of dread and anticipation. Luther and Diego worked together, applying pressure to her wound, while Allison used her abilities to alleviate some of the pain.

Five's gaze never left Katherine's face, his heart pounding in rhythm with the rain. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her, not after all they had been through together. He clenched his fists, frustration and desperation coursing through his veins.

As the minutes ticked by, their combined efforts began to show results. Katherine's breathing steadied, and color gradually returned to her cheeks. Five let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, relief washing over him in waves.

When Katherine finally stirred, her eyes fluttering open, Five's heart soared. He reached for her hand, holding it tightly as he whispered, "You're going to be okay. We've got you."

Her weak smile was all the reassurance he needed. In that moment, amidst the rain and the chaos, Five felt a deep sense of gratitude. He had been on the brink of losing her, but now she was here, alive and fighting.

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