Chaoter 24

634 12 1

Katherine's eyelids fluttered open, her surroundings initially a blur as her mind groggily tried to make sense of her surroundings. The first thing she registered was the soft warmth against her cheek and the gentle rise and fall beneath her. Confusion gave way to clarity as she realized she was resting in someone's arms. A glance to her side confirmed that she was cradled in Diego's embrace.

Blinking away the remnants of sleep, Katherine shifted slightly, wincing at the slight soreness that radiated from her head. Memories of the previous night began to piece together, the laughter, the shared drinks, the library. But what stood out most vividly was the sound that had pulled her from slumber – Five's voice.

"You know, Katie, you're like... really pretty," Five mumbled, a boyish grin tugging at his lips. Katherine's cheeks turned a shade rosier, and she leaned in closer, her voice tinged with amusement. "Is that so, Five? And what else do you think about me?"

As the night wore on and the effects of the alcohol began to wear off, Katherine found herself regaining her composure. The buzz that had once clouded her mind was now replaced with a sense of clarity, albeit accompanied by a lingering embarrassment. Diego, seemingly in a slightly better mood than before, had taken it upon himself to walk alongside Katherine as they made their way back.

Five's lips curved into a flirtatious smirk, his words dripping with exaggerated affection. "Oh, you're not just pretty. You're, like, super pretty. And smart. And... Did I mention pretty?"

Diego rolled his eyes once more, unable to suppress a chuckle. "Unbelievable," he muttered under his breath.

"Katherine," Five slurred, his voice laced with exaggerated dramatics, "you know, you're like the eighth wonder of the world." He wobbled a bit, struggling to maintain his balance.

Katherine chuckled softly, her gaze filled with affectionate fondness. "Oh, really? And why is that, Five?"

He dramatically pointed at her with a tipsy flourish. "Because you're so amazing that you make time travel seem like a walk in the park." Five's words were punctuated by a hiccup, which only added to the humor of the situation.

"Smooth, Five. Real smooth," Katherine teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

Five leaned in closer, a mischievous twinkle in his gaze as he whispered, "You know, I can still count to ten dimensions, even when I'm drunk." He smirked, clearly proud of his intoxicated mathematical prowess.

Katherine burst into laughter, unable to contain herself any longer. "Is that so? Well, I'm very impressed, Five."

He straightened up with mock seriousness. "But you know what's even more impressive?" Five's voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper, his face mere inches from hers. "How you managed to steal my heart without using any time-travel tricks."

Katherine's heart skipped a beat at his words, her cheeks tinged with a rosy blush. Despite his inebriated state, Five's sincerity managed to shine through, making her feel a warmth deep within.

"Five, you're quite the charmer, even when you're drunk," Katherine replied with a soft smile.

Luther and Diego exchanged a glance, a silent agreement passing between them as they decided it was time to address the elephant in the room. Five and Katherine had been engrossed in their own world, their playful banter and shared moments creating an invisible barrier that seemed to shield them from the rest of the world. But now, Luther and Diego were determined to breach that barrier and unravel the truth.

"Luther's right," Diego finally spoke up, his voice laced with a mixture of frustration and curiosity. "We can't keep avoiding the inevitable. Five, we need to talk about the apocalypse and those damn assassins."

Five sighed, reluctantly tearing his gaze away from Katherine's amused expression to meet Diego's intense stare. "Diego, we've been through this countless times. I've explained it as much as I can."

"We just want to protect you," Luther pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation as he attempted to reason with his intoxicated brother. The alley was cloaked in an air of uncertainty, the tension between the siblings palpable.

"I don't need protection, Luther. I'm the fourth freaking horseman," Five retorted, his words dripping with a mix of defiance and inebriation. The flickering lamplight cast erratic shadows across his face, lending an eerie ambiance to the scene.

Katherine watched the exchange with a mixture of concern and amusement. Five's transformation into a 17-year-old had unleashed a newfound vitality within him, and his current state was both enthralling and concerning. She stood silently by, her presence a calming anchor amidst the storm of emotions and alcohol.

"You know what's funny?" Five's voice broke through the tense air, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Aah! I'm going through puberty. Huh. Twice." His words hung in the air, a surprising admission that elicited an unexpected snicker from Katherine. She couldn't help but find his candidness endearing, a glimpse into a side of him rarely seen.

Her laughter was like a gentle breeze cutting through the suffocating atmosphere, a reminder that amidst the chaos, moments of levity still existed. Five's playful smirk deepened, his guarded facade momentarily slipping as he exchanged a fleeting glance with Katherine. In that fleeting moment, their connection seemed to transcend time itself.

Diego's voice softened, his worry genuine. "You don't have to face this alone, Five. We're here for you, no matter what."

Luther nodded in agreement, his large hand resting on Five's shoulder. "We're a team, Five. We face challenges together, and we'll face this one too."

"You guys don't understand," Five's voice carried a somber edge, his words punctuated by the gravity of his revelations. "The apocalypse is coming."

As the tension in the room escalated, a sudden, guttural sound broke through the heavy atmosphere. Five's hand shot to his mouth, his face contorting in a mix of surprise and discomfort. Without warning, he doubled over, a violent retching sound filling the room.

BEHIND THE SCENE: ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴜᴍʙʀᴇʟʟᴀ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍʏ || 𝗧𝗨𝗔Where stories live. Discover now