Chapter 25

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Luther stepped forward, his towering figure casting a shadow over the group. "Five, we need details. The more we know about the assassins, their motives, and the events leading up to the apocalypse, the better prepared we can be to prevent it."

Katherine gently squeezed Five's hand, a silent show of support that did not go unnoticed. Five shifted his gaze between Luther and Diego, his fingers absentmindedly tracing the back of Katherine's hand. "Fine, I'll give you a brief rundown."

Diego's eyes lit up with a mix of anticipation and skepticism. "Start from the beginning. Who sent those assassins after you?"

Five leaned against a nearby wall, his expression growing pensive. "The Commission. They're an organization that controls the timeline, ensuring events unfold as planned."

Luther raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Who the hell are you?!" Five shouted, holding a Savage 223 rifle ready to fire. Katherine stood behind him, gripping a knife tightly in her hand, her eyes fixed on the intruder. She didn't trust anyone easily especially a person who pops up out of nowhere.

"I'm here to help," the woman reasoned, unfazed by the menacing gun. "Yeah, and I can make pigs fly," Katherine retorted sarcastically, her grip on her weapon unwavering.

"Tell me why I shouldn't put a bullet through your head right now!" Five's voice was laced with hostility, the rifle still aimed at the mysterious woman as she approached.

"Because... if you did, you two wouldn't hear the offer I'm about to make you both," the woman calmly stated, placing a briefcase on the ground and removing her sunglasses. Katherine's skepticism remained, her gaze sharp and unyielding.

"An offer?" Five's expression shifted from anger to cautious curiosity. He didn't lower the rifle, but his stance relaxed slightly.

"Indeed. Allow me to introduce myself. I am known as the Handler," the woman introduced herself, her tone dripping with confidence. "And I have a proposition that might intrigue you."

Katherine exchanged a quick glance with Five, a silent communication passing between them. They had been through enough to know that deals from mysterious individuals rarely turned out well. Yet, there was a certain air of authority about the Handler that gave them pause.

"Cut the crap and get to the point," Katherine snapped, her impatience clear in her voice. She wasn't one to mince words, especially with someone who seemed to be playing games.

The Handler's lips curled into a knowing smile, as if she had expected nothing less. "Very well. I have a way that could help you get out of here. But of course, such valuable way comes at a price."

Five's eyes narrowed, his skepticism evident. "And what's that price?"

"A simple task, really. Work for me, and in exchange, I will provide you with a way out." The Handler leaned back in her seat, her gaze fixed on the siblings.

Katherine's grip on her knife tightened. "And what if we refuse?"

The Handler's smile never wavered. "Then, by all means, continue your doomed quest to save yourselves. But remember, time is of the essence, and the clock is ticking."

Five exchanged a glance with Katherine once again, a silent conversation passing between them. They had faced countless challenges and threats, and this one was no different. The fate of the world hung in the balance, and if there was a chance they could avert disaster, they had to consider it.

"Fine," Five finally conceded, his grip on the rifle loosening slightly. "Tell us about this way out and what we need to do."

The Handler's smile widened, her eyes glinting with triumph. "Excellent choice. Let's discuss the details, shall we?"

"They turned us into the perfect instruments for the rehabilitation of the time continuum. Or 'corrections,' as they called them. I wasn't the only one. There are others like me," Five explained, his voice tinged with a hint of bitterness as he recounted the countless kills they had committed in service to the Commission.

"But none of them is as good as us," he continued, a mixture of pride and weariness evident in his expression. "They didn't realize it, but I was biding my time, trying to figure out the right equation so we could get back. If we could just get back, I knew we could stop the apocalypse. Save the world."

"We broke our contract," Katherine interjected, her voice steady but filled with a weight of the past. She stood leaning against the door, her gaze unwavering and resolute.

Five's eyes shifted to Katherine, a mixture of surprise and understanding crossing his features. He nodded in agreement, their unspoken connection speaking volumes. "Katherine's right. We defied the Commission, risked everything to rewrite our fate and bring about a better future."

The room fell into a contemplative silence as their words hung in the air, each syllable a testament to the trials they had endured and the sacrifices they had made. Diego and Luther exchanged solemn glances, finally grasping the depth of their siblings' experiences.

Diego's voice was tinged with a mix of awe and empathy. "So, you've been through hell and back to save the world."

Five's gaze never wavered as he nodded, the weight of his determination evident in his eyes. "We've seen things you can't even imagine, faced adversaries that defy logic. But we've also glimpsed moments of hope, chances to make things right."

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