Chapter 11

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Five rang the bell, a crisp chime piercing the air of the cozy cafe. The siblings, Five and Katherine, seated themselves at a corner booth, their presence shrouded in an air of enigmatic intrigue. The pulsating hum of anticipation surrounded them as they exchanged silent glances, understanding passing between them with a mere look.

"Two black coffees, please," Five requested, his voice low and assertive. Katherine, fully awake and alert, sat beside him, her gaze alternating between him and the bustling activity of the cafe.

"Of course," the waitress acknowledged without much enthusiasm, her attention momentarily diverted to another patron who had entered. Katherine's eyebrow twitched in mild annoyance, her fingers drumming lightly on the table.

"Rin..." Five called softly, a signal only she understood. Katherine's eyes flickered to him, her expression shifting from irritation to a sweet smile. She leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder, a gesture of intimacy that conveyed their silent communication.

As they waited for their orders, a man sauntered over and took a seat beside Five. The waitress finally returned, her focus now on the newcomer, her pad and paper ready to take his order.

"Give me a chocolate éclair," the man ordered casually. Katherine's frown deepened at the lack of acknowledgment, her annoyance palpable.

"Mm-hmm. Sure. Can I get the kids a glass of milk or something?" the waitress inquired, seemingly dismissive of Five and Katherine's presence.

"The kids want coffee. Black," Five replied nonchalantly, his gaze fixed on the waitress, daring her to challenge his request. The waitress's comment about "cute kids" earned her a withering stare from Katherine, who nudged Five playfully to flash the woman a fake smile, her sarcasm evident.

With a pointed look, Katherine communicated her thoughts to him, "If you keep rolling your eyes, you might as well tell me what your brain looks like." Five's response was to nonchalantly pinch her thigh, a silent retort that elicited a pout from Katherine, her arms crossed in mock indignation.

Five reminisced about their childhood visits to the cafe, a bittersweet trip down memory lane. "I used to come here as a kid. Used to sneak out with my brothers and sisters and eat doughnuts till we puked. Simpler times, huh?" he mused, a hint of nostalgia in his voice.

"Five, you're still a kid," Katherine quipped, her tone sly and mischievous. This time, her comment earned her a pinch on the thigh from Five, a playful act that had her pouting once more.

With a self-deprecating chuckle, the man beside them attempted to engage in the conversation, acknowledging Five's sentiment. Katherine's snicker lingered in the background, a testament to her amusement.

The waitress returned with their orders, her gaze lingering on the man beside them. "I got theirs," the man volunteered, his attention directed toward Katherine. "Thank you," Katherine replied sweetly, sitting up straight and finally acknowledging the man's presence, a small smile playing on her lips.

The man's gaze remained fixed on Katherine, captivated by her beauty. However, his uninvited scrutiny did not escape Five's notice. "That's my girlfriend you're gawking at," Five declared possessively, a touch of jealousy lacing his words. Katherine blushed, hiding her embarrassment behind her hands, but the possessiveness in Five's demeanor was not lost on her.

Outside, an unfamiliar vehicle had been idling for some time. As the man beside them departed, a group of men emerged from the vehicle, their intent clear. Katherine's irritation flared as she recognized their uniform, and she couldn't suppress her annoyance.

Five, seemingly unfazed, calmly folded the paper and pocketed it, his attention shifting to the approaching figures. "Hmm. That was fast. I thought I'd have more time before they found me," he remarked, his irritation palpable.

As the men closed in, Five's demeanor shifted. He refused to cooperate, fully aware of the dire consequences that awaited him. "I've got nothing to say, isn't that right, My Rin?" Five's endearment for Katherine was a testament to their bond, a connection that transcended the chaos around them.

Amid the chaos, Five's snarky comment caught the attention of one of the men. "Well, this place certainly hasn't improved since our last visit," Five remarked with a wry grin, his gaze sweeping over the less-than-impressive surroundings. "A true gem in the city's collection of charming establishments." Five remarked, his tone dripping with disdain. Katherine's sarcastic jab only fueled the fire, her words a sharp retort that punctuated the tense atmosphere.

The cafe transformed into a battleground, bullets and blades clashing in a chaotic symphony. Five's calculated maneuvers allowed him to appear and disappear at will, his actions defying the laws of physics. Katherine's prowess with cutlery and her swift strikes showcased her lethal proficiency.

The skirmish erupted, a symphony of gunshots and swift movements. Katherine's agility and skill were evident as she dispatched her opponents with calculated precision. Five's calculated teleportations and lethal strikes left no room for doubt—the Hargreeves siblings were a force to be reckoned with. "Hey, assholes!" Five's taunting shout drew their attention, redirecting their focus. Katherine seized the opportunity, striking swiftly and silently, her movements a deadly dance that left chaos in their wake.

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