Chapter 13

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"Determining the necessity of evacuation during extreme weather conditions requires the climber's wisdom," the instructor's voice droned on, the words echoing through the air like a distant reminder.

Amidst the mundane lesson, the sound of their mother's bell signaled the commencement of their meal. With a welcoming smile, she beckoned them to the dining area. As they gathered around the table, a palpable tension hung in the air, each of them standing in quiet anticipation of their father's arrival.

"Controlled alpine descent involves girding one's loins and anchoring the climbing rope to one's enemy," the father's authoritative voice took center stage as he entered the room. Vanya, positioned at the forefront, met his gaze with anxiety, a hint of dread lurking beneath the surface. Obeying his command, she sank into her seat, the other children following suit, each consumed by their own thoughts.

"However, it must be considered a last resort. Begin by looping the rope... A screen anchor is essential to retrieve the rope successfully from the mountain's face,"

In the midst of the lecture, their individual worlds seemed to unfold. Allison and Luther exchanged silent, affectionate glances, their love concealed beneath the veil of solemnity. Diego's fingers itched for the comfort of his knife, his yearning palpable even in the stillness. Klaus found solace in his drugs, a means of escape from the world around him. Ben remained immersed in his book, a refuge of quiet contemplation.

Suddenly, Five's fury shattered the veneer of normalcy. With a resounding slam, his butter knife pierced the table's surface, a declaration of rebellion that demanded attention. Every eye turned toward him, including their father's, who felt the intensity of Five's glare from across the room.

"Number Five?" their father inquired, his voice tinged with restrained curiosity.

"I have a question," Five retorted, his bitterness palpable as he released his grip on the knife.

"Knowledge is a worthy pursuit, yet you are aware of the protocol. Silence is to be observed during meals. You are interrupting Herr Carlson," their father dismissed, his attention shifting back to his meal. But Five's irritation simmered, refusing to be quelled as he pushed his plate aside and directed his gaze back to his father.

"I want to time travel," Five declared, his determination unwavering.

"No," their father responded, his tone firm and unyielding.

An unspoken tension hung in the room, each sibling holding their breath, knowing the storm that was about to unfold. Five's determination knew no bounds, his defiance unrelenting.

"But I'm prepared. I've honed my spatial jumps, just as you instructed," Five argued, his voice tinged with frustration. In an instant, he vanished from his seat, reappearing by his father's side, a triumphant grin etched on his face.

Their father, however, remained unfazed, not even deigning to glance in Five's direction.

"A spatial jump is child's play compared to the complexities of time travel. One is like gliding across ice, while the other resembles plunging into frigid waters, reemerging as an acorn," their father's words dripped with authority, his attention still ensnared by the contents of his wine glass.

Undeterred, Five returned to his seat, his irritation simmering just beneath the surface. "Well, I don't understand," he muttered with a mixture of frustration and bewilderment.

"Which is precisely why you are not prepared," their father retorted, his gaze unwavering.

Caught in the crossfire of their exchange, the siblings resumed their meals, indifferent to the turmoil that had erupted. Five's frustration remained unabated, his agitation evident as he whispered to himself.

"I'm not afraid," Five argued, a defiant edge to his voice, his determination to prove himself evident.

"Fear is not the concern. The potential repercussions on your body and mind are far too unpredictable. I command you to cease this discourse," their father's decree was absolute, his patience waning.

Five's gaze met Vanya's, her eyes pleading with him, urging him to relent. He wavered for a moment, torn between his own ambition and the fear of disappointing her. Yet, his resolve held strong.

"I'm ready," Five persisted, his voice tinged with defiance.

Their father's stern gaze locked onto Five's, a battle of wills taking place between them. The tension hung thick in the air, a testament to the unyielding clash of their opposing desires.

In a final act of rebellion, Five abruptly rose from his seat, his eyes locked onto his father's. Ignoring the calls that echoed after him, he stormed out of the room, leaving behind a wake of stunned silence.

The siblings exchanged wary glances, their father's expression an amalgamation of frustration and anger. "CALL KATHERINE NOW!" he bellowed, his voice thundering through the corridors of the household.

It was a rare display of their father's loss of composure, a stark reminder of the gravity of Five's actions. A tremor of unease swept through the siblings, their own defiance paling in comparison to the storm that had erupted.

Five's journey through time was a tumultuous one, each leap marked by fury and determination. "Not ready, my ass," he mocked, his bitterness echoing through the time streams. Yet, his mockery turned to disbelief as he materialized amidst destruction and chaos.

Rubble and flames surrounded him, a grim testament to the cataclysm that had unfolded. His pride wavered as he gazed upon the ruins, his bravado replaced by shock and horror.

In haste, Five retraced his steps, returning to his family and the once-familiar Umbrella Academy. His desperate calls for his siblings went unanswered, the silence that enveloped the desolation echoing his mounting desperation.

"Katherine!" Five's voice carried through the wreckage, a plea laced with desperation and longing. But the echoes of his cries were met with silence, each call a painful reminder of the void that had consumed his world.

Frantic attempts to return through time yielded no results, his powers drained by his reckless use. Agony and frustration mingled within him as he screamed into the void, his pleas falling on deaf ears.

Collapsed on his knees, Five gazed upon the ruins of the academy, tears streaming down his face. In the wake of his defiance and determination, he had lost everything he held dear.

Isolated and broken, Five's silent sobs echoed through the desolation, a poignant testament to the consequences of his anger-fueled actions. In the aftermath of his rebellion, he was left to grapple with the harrowing reality of his solitude.

He was alone.

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