Chapter 21

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In the dimly lit room of the Umbrella Academy, Five was hunched over a pile of papers, his brows furrowed in deep concentration. He had been tirelessly searching for any clue, any lead that could help prevent the impending apocalypse. The tension in the air was palpable as time was running out, and Five's frustration grew with each fruitless search.

Meanwhile, in another part of the house, Katherine had finally recovered from her earlier wound, her determination stronger than ever. She couldn't sit still, knowing that time was of the essence. As she got up from her bed, she noticed the absence of Five, a realization dawning upon her. With a sense of purpose, she made her way to his room, determined to find him.

Five's room was filled with the soft glow of lamplight as he sifted through papers, maps, and notes. He was so engrossed in his search that he didn't notice the creak of the door opening. Startled, he looked up just in time to meet Katherine's determined gaze.

"Five, what are you doing?" Katherine's voice was soft, but her determination was unwavering.

Five's eyes flickered with a mix of surprise and annoyance. "I'm trying to find a way to stop the apocalypse. What does it look like?"

Katherine sighed, stepping closer. "I get it, but you can't do this alone. You're not the only one who cares about saving the world."

Five rolled his eyes, and his frustration is evident. "Katherine, I don't have time for this."

"Too bad, because I'm not leaving," she retorted, folding her arms defiantly.

Exasperated, Five weighed his options for a moment before letting out a resigned sigh. "Fine, if you're going to be stubborn about it, then let's go together."

As they began to search the room for any clues, the tension between them eased. They worked in tandem, exchanging glances and sharing thoughts without a word. Just as they were about to make a breakthrough, a voice interrupted their concentration.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Klaus sauntered into the room, a mischievous grin on his face.

Five groaned, rubbing his temples. "Klaus, not now."

Ignoring Five's exasperation, Klaus leaned against the doorway. "Are you two plotting to overthrow the time-space continuum again? Because if so, I'm in."

Katherine shot Klaus an incredulous look. "We're not plotting anything. We're trying to save the world."

Klaus waved a dismissive hand. "Details, details. I just want to be in the loop, you know?"

Five's patience was wearing thin. "Klaus, we don't have time for your antics right now."

Klaus feigned offense, clutching his heart dramatically. "Ouch, Five, you wound me."

Katherine let out an exasperated sigh. "Klaus, can you please just go bother someone else for once?"

Klaus put on an exaggerated pout. "You wound me twice now. Fine, I'll leave you two to your world-saving endeavors."

As Klaus finally left the room, Five and Katherine exchanged amused glances. With an unspoken understanding, they continued their search, more determined than ever to find a solution.

(I have decided that Klaus deserves better and I don't want him inside the trashcan searching for food. I also decided that there would be no scene of Five and Luther inside the van where they are arguing. My story My scenario.)

Five and Katherine sat in the inconspicuous van, their eyes fixed on the building across the street. The rain had stopped, leaving behind a gloomy and overcast day that was perfect for their covert operation. They had been spying on the doctor for hours, suspecting his involvement in some illegal activities outside of his work at the clinic.

"He's been in there for a while," Katherine whispered, her gaze unwavering as she watched the entrance to the building.

Five nodded, his expression determined. "We need concrete evidence, Kat. Something that can't be ignored."

Their patience was finally rewarded when they saw the doctor emerge from the building, a small bag in hand. Their eyes narrowed as they observed him discreetly handing over the bag to a shady-looking individual who seemed equally suspicious.

"Looks like he's making some extra cash on the side," Five muttered, his tone dripping with disdain.

Katherine's grip on the binoculars tightened. "We can't let this slide, Five. If he's involved in illegal activities, who knows what other secrets he's hiding?"

A plan formed in Five's mind, a daring move that would confront the doctor and force him to cooperate. "We need to get closer," he said, his voice low and resolute.

Without hesitation, Five grabbed Katherine's hand, and with a blink of his eye, they were inside the car again, only this time, they were sitting in the backseat of the doctor's car. The doctor was momentarily startled, his eyes widening in shock as he turned to find the unexpected passengers.

"Surprised to see us?" Five's voice was laced with a dangerous edge, his gaze unwavering as he stared down the doctor.

The doctor's face paled, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. "Who the hell are you?"

"Let's just say we're concerned citizens," Katherine chimed in, her voice deceptively sweet.

Five leaned closer, his eyes narrowing. "We've been watching you, doctor. You're not as careful as you think you are."

The doctor's attempt at bravado faltered, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead. "I don't know what you want, but you're making a big mistake."

"Oh, we know exactly what we want," Five said, his voice dripping with menace. "You're going to cooperate with us."

The doctor's eyes flicked between Five and Katherine, his fear palpable. "Cooperate? In what?"

Katherine's smile was anything but reassuring. "We have evidence of your little side business. If you don't want that evidence to end up in the wrong hands, you're going to help us."

Five's voice took on a threatening tone. "We want access to information. Anything you know about the recent prosthetics and their clients. You're going to help us uncover the truth."

The doctor's hesitation was evident, but the weight of their threats seemed to be sinking in. "Fine," he finally relented, his voice shaky. "I'll help you, but you have to promise that you won't expose me."

Five's expression remained cold and unforgiving. "You help us, and we'll consider it."

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