Chapter 46

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"Excuse me!" A random woman abruptly marches up to them, dragging her kid along as Allison and Luther step aside for a brief conversation about Luther's romantic escapades. "Excuse me, it happens to be my son Kenny's birthday today, and... Uh... wouldn't your two kids be better off playing with youngsters their own age?"

Katherine's jaw drops at the audacity of the woman's statement. "Wow, bravo for the assumption, Sherlock." She mutters under her breath, shooting a glare in the woman's direction.

"Absolutely, we were just saying how much we've been dying to join a group of screaming children," Five retorts with an air of sarcasm, earning an amused nod from Katherine and a stifled giggle from Klaus. The disdain is palpable as they watch the woman's expression falter before they decide to take their leave.

Diego seized the opportunity to add his own dry remark. "If I were ever to date a man, you'd undoubtedly be at the very bottom of the list," he deadpanned, earning a silent chuckle from Katherine. Klaus, never one to miss a chance for sass, chimed in as he walked towards the bowling lane. "Consider yourself lucky you're even on the list."

Katherine's laughter remained silent, but her eyes shimmered with happiness as she absorbed the camaraderie and banter among her siblings. Diego's smile in response to her unvoiced amusement warmed her heart, reaffirming the unbreakable bonds that united them despite any challenges they faced.

Five had received a message from the Handler, requesting a meeting. Despite his reservations, he felt compelled to hear what she had to say, even though he knew her well enough to be cautious.

Katherine, who had been quietly observing his unease, finally spoke up by writing on her notebook. "Are you sure about this, Five? You know how manipulative she can be."

Five shot her a look of annoyance. "I can handle myself, Katherine. Besides, I won't be long. I'm leaving you in Luther's capable hands."

Katherine raised an eyebrow, her skepticism evident. "Capable? Is that the word you'd use?"

Five sighed in exasperation. "Just stay here, alright? I'll be back before you know it."

As he headed out the door, Katherine exchanged a knowing look with Luther, who had been listening to their conversation. "He's walking right into a trap, isn't he?" Katherine wrote.

Luther nodded, his expression grave. "It wouldn't be the first time the Handler tried to manipulate him."

Meanwhile, Five arrived at the designated meeting spot, in the living room of a makeshift home. The Handler emerged from the shadows, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Ah, Five. Always a pleasure to see you."

Five raised an eyebrow, his expression guarded. "Cut the pleasantries. You wanted to talk. So talk."

The Handler leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs casually. "Straight to the point, I like that. Very well, Five. I wanted to discuss your future, your potential. You see, I have an offer for you—a chance to regain your rightful place in the Commission."

Five's eyes narrowed as he leaned forward, his voice laced with skepticism. "And what's the catch?"

The Handler chuckled softly, her fingers tracing a pattern on the table. "No catch, dear boy. Just a simple task. Retrieve an artifact from a certain time period, and all will be forgiven. A clean slate for you and your dear family."

Five's mind raced, processing the offer. He knew better than to trust the Handler's words at face value. "And what's this artifact?"

The Handler's smile widened, her gaze never wavering. "A simple pocket watch. An insignificant trinket, really. But acquiring it would demonstrate your loyalty and commitment to our cause."

Five's skepticism deepened, and he leaned even closer, his voice a low growl. "I'm not your lapdog, and I won't be used to further your agenda."

The Handler's smile faded, replaced by a cool, calculating demeanor. "Ah, Five, always the stubborn one. But think of the possibilities, the power you could have. You could shape events, alter destinies—"

Five slammed his hand onto the table, his eyes ablaze with anger. "I've had enough of your mind games. Tell me the truth, or I'm walking out that door."

The Handler's facade finally cracked, a flicker of frustration crossing her features. "Very well," she sighed, relenting. "The pocket watch holds no significance. I merely wanted to see if I could still control you, manipulate you into doing my bidding."

Five's eyes blazed with fury as he pushed himself away from the table, his chair scraping loudly against the floor. "You wasted my time," he spat, his voice laced with venom. "Don't ever contact me again."

Without another word, Five stormed out of the room, leaving the Handler seething with frustration. As the door slammed shut behind him, he felt a mixture of relief and anger coursing through his veins. He knew he had made the right choice—rejecting her manipulative games and walking away from her twisted schemes.

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