Chapter 15

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"Katherine, wake up," Vanya's voice roused Katherine from her slumber, and her eyes met Vanya's concerned gaze. The teenage boy they were looking for was conspicuously absent.

"He left, didn't he?" Katherine deduced, sitting up with a hint of frustration. Vanya affirmed this with a nod, and then turned her attention to Katherine more directly. "Any idea where he might have gone?" Vanya inquired, but Katherine could only shake her head in response.

Katherine took a moment to tidy up the couch while Vanya fired off a series of yes-or-no questions. With the couch sorted, Katherine tied her hair into a messy bun and headed for the door.

"Thanks for the makeshift couch arrangement, whether it's just for me or not. I'll be on my way," Katherine mumbled softly with a fleeting smile.

"Please, take care," Vanya's parting words made Katherine pause momentarily. She turned to her sister, offering a reassuring smile, before stepping out the door.

Her walk began calmly, a peaceful escape, until the tranquility was shattered by crude catcalls from a group of teenage boys—likely around Five's age of 17. Katherine soldiered on, quickening her pace to avoid unnecessary attention. Yet, her hopes for an uneventful walk were dashed as the boys started pursuing her, their persistence forcing her into a tired sprint.

Breathless and slightly disheveled, she burst through the doors of the Umbrella Academy, allowing them to slam shut behind her. She took a moment to catch her breath, then ascended the silent staircase, heading directly to Five's room.

"You actually look presentable," Katherine quipped, catching Five off guard as he turned to face her. His initial grin morphed into a frown at her dry remark. "What happened to you, my tosser?" he inquired, his concern evident as he approached her.

Katherine, however, brushed past him without a word, heading straight for his bed and collapsing onto it, visibly fatigued. Confusion washed over Five's features as he assessed her, her sweaty brow and the clear traces of fear in her eyes not going unnoticed.

Before he could probe further, a muffled sound emanated from the closet, catching both their attention. From within emerged Klaus, stumbling in his haste. "Katherine's giving you the silent treatment. Riveting!" Klaus quipped sarcastically, earning an eye roll from Katherine and a glare from Five. Klaus's jibe went unnoticed by anyone else, save for a single snicker.

The chaotic conversation, coupled with the day's trials, intensified Katherine's burgeoning headache. "I distinctly remember suggesting that you put on something more professional," Five reprimanded Klaus, his exasperation palpable.

Katherine, fed up with the ongoing banter, quietly slipped away, her exit unnoticed by the two squabbling siblings. She retreated to her room, determined to change and clear her mind.

"Alright, just to be crystal clear on this: I merely need to waltz in and play the role of your estranged father, right?" Klaus interjected, waving his hands with exaggerated flair.

"What do you mean, 'pretend'?" Katherine queried, momentarily distracted by Five's presence. His captivation by her appearance—her white dress and modest heels—did not go unnoticed.

Caught off guard, Five blurted out, "May I have the honor of a kiss?" Katherine's cheeks flushed like a ripe tomato, and Klaus nearly choked on his own saliva. "So, what fabricated backstory are we sticking with?" Klaus continued, attempting to steer the conversation back to practicality.

Five's confusion remained palpable. "What? What are you even talking about?" he questioned, still baffled by the topic at hand. A glance at Katherine momentarily shook him from his daze, but her attire—simple and elegant—quickly brought his attention back to Klaus's inane chatter.

"I mean, was I a teen dad? Like, 16? Young and... well, misguided?" Klaus speculated with a suggestive grin, glancing playfully at Katherine, who responded with her trademark bunny smile. The exchange elicited blushes from both Five and Klaus, a testament to Katherine's charm.

"Right, then," Klaus said dramatically, placing a hand over his heart. "That would explain everything." He adopted an exaggerated swoon, mimicking a lovestruck teenager as Katherine chuckled.

"Your mother, that vixen. Whoever she was. We had a rendezvous at... the disco. Alright? That's what we'll go with," Katherine declared, her tone matter-of-fact.

"Oh, the romance was simply unforgettable," Klaus declared with a flourish of his hand, feigning a dramatic swoon. "Truly, an epic for the ages."

Unable to contain her laughter, Katherine burst into giggles, her mirth echoing through the room. Five rolled his eyes in response to the absurdity, briefly turning his gaze to Katherine before returning it to Klaus, who was reveling in his comedic performance.

"What an enlightening glimpse into the abyss you call a mind. Shall we, Katherine?" Five's words carried an undertone of amusement as he headed downstairs. Katherine followed, her laughter still bubbling under the surface.

"Behave, or I'll have to enforce a time-out," Klaus playfully threatened, earning chuckles from Katherine as they descended the staircase. "You go ahead, Klaus. We'll be out in a minute," Five declared, holding Katherine's wrist tightly.

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