Chapter 45

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Katherine reclined comfortably on top of Five, the two of them occupying a cozy corner of the seating area. Her injuries from the recent ordeal had left her body sore and her voice strained, leading Five to insist that she conserve her energy and avoid straining her vocal cords. He had handed her a notebook and pen, encouraging her to communicate through writing until her voice had fully recovered.

The rest of the siblings had been concerned about Katherine's well-being, particularly her ability to speak. They had grown accustomed to her vibrant personality and witty remarks, and the thought of her being unable to express herself verbally was a cause for concern. As they settled into the bowling alley, a sense of relief washed over them when they heard Katherine's voice comment on Luther's bowling.

Their faces lit up with genuine smiles as they exchanged glances and noticed Katherine's writing. Five knew the toll that speaking could take on her weakened body, and he was determined to minimize any strain. He had handed her a notebook and pen, instructing her to communicate through writing until she regained her strength.

"I'm glad to see you're doing okay," Luther said, his voice filled with genuine warmth.

Katherine's pen danced across the pages of the notebook. "I'm getting there. Five won't let me overexert myself."

Five chimed in, his tone lighthearted. "Someone has to make sure you're taking care of yourself."

Diego grinned, his eyes flickering with a mix of relief and playfulness. "Yeah, we can't have you running off and getting into more trouble."

Katherine's response was accompanied by a playful roll of her eyes as she continued to write. "I promise to behave—for now."

Allison joined in the conversation, her smile bright. "We missed hearing your voice, though."

Katherine's expression softened, her gratitude evident in her eyes as she wrote her reply. "I missed talking to all of you too."

Klaus leaned in, curiosity getting the best of him. "So, what's the plan for today, my dear mute sibling?"

Katherine's pen moved swiftly, her response tinged with humor. "Save the world, of couse. Who's the apocalypse expert here?"

Five raised her hand with a playful smirk. "That would be me." Amid the tension that enveloped the room, Klaus's unexpected offer to help ignited a brief but poignant exchange among the siblings. His suggestion hung in the air, met with skepticism by some and curiosity by others. Luther's immediate dismissal was countered by Diego's insistence, the latter's voice cutting through the air like a knife.

Diego's interruption prompted Luther to cast a quizzical glance in his direction. Confusion marred his features as he tried to make sense of Diego's unusual behavior. However, Diego's determination to let Klaus speak was unwavering, giving the latter an opportunity to articulate his thoughts.

As Klaus began to explain himself, the atmosphere in the room shifted subtly. The tension that had been building seemed to ease for a moment, replaced by a sense of anticipation. Even Luther, who had initially been dismissive, found himself pausing to listen, intrigued by the unexpected turn of events.

Klaus's revelation, delivered with a mixture of pride and gratitude, cast a spotlight on his actions earlier that day. Diego's expression softened as Klaus recounted the moments that led to him saving his life. The weight of Klaus's words sank in, and Diego's eyes held a glimmer of gratefulness as he regarded his brother.

Among the onlookers, Katherine's gaze was fixed on Klaus, her eyes widening with surprise. The notion that Klaus had played a significant role in saving Diego's life seemed to catch her off guard. She processed the information, her mind racing to comprehend the dynamics of the situation. 'Did Klaus really save Diego?' she wondered, silently contemplating the implications.

As Klaus continued to bask in the attention he had momentarily garnered, his mischievous grin hinted at another whimsical idea forming in his mind. The casual mention of the "real hero" prompted a series of reactions from the siblings, ranging from amusement to skepticism.

With a theatrical flourish, Klaus extended his arm towards the empty space beside him, a gesture that invited a sense of anticipation from his audience. "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... the true hero of the hour, the one and only Ben!" he announced, his voice dripping with playful drama.

Amidst the chuckles and eye-rolls that ensued, Five's skeptical expression remained unchanged. He shook his head in mild exasperation, dismissing Klaus's antics as nothing more than his usual flair for the dramatic. "Okay, that's enough foolish talk," he interjected, a hint of amusement underlying his tone.

While the majority of the siblings shared in the light-hearted banter, Katherine's reaction was different. Her gaze shifted from Klaus to Five, her expression a mixture of curiosity and a touch of sadness. Klaus's whimsical declarations had temporarily lifted her spirits, but she sensed an underlying tension between her two brothers.

Unbeknownst to her, Klaus had another trick up his sleeve. Determined to prove his point, he seized the opportunity to showcase his newfound "hero," Ben. Picking up a nearby bowling ball, he wielded it as a makeshift prop, ready to enact his plan.

With a sudden motion, Klaus sent the bowling ball hurtling through the air, aiming it towards Five and Katherine. As the ball soared, Five's reflexes kicked in. He activated his time-traveling ability, causing himself and Katherine to vanish from their original spots.

A moment later, they reappeared a short distance away, in the arms of Luther. Startled and caught off guard, Luther instinctively held Katherine in a bridal-style carry, his surprised expression mirroring hers. The bowling ball, now devoid of its intended targets, hit the ground with a resounding thud, sending a tremor through the floor.

The room erupted in a chorus of reactions, ranging from gasps of surprise to laughter. Five's glare was directed at Klaus, a mixture of annoyance and begrudging acknowledgement evident in his eyes. Meanwhile, Luther's hold on Katherine remained steady, his large arms providing a protective cocoon around her.

Katherine, momentarily disoriented by the sudden teleportation, blinked up at Luther with wide eyes. The unexpected turn of events had jolted her senses, but the comfort of Luther's embrace grounded her. A fleeting smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she glanced around at her siblings, her heart lightened by the camaraderie that existed between them.

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