Chapter 36

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Allison and Katherine found themselves on a somber drive, enveloped in a cocoon of silence that seemed to mirror the heavy raindrops pelting against the windshield. The atmosphere inside the car held a strange sort of comfort, the unspoken understanding that weighed on their minds shared between them. The revelation about Vanya's connection to Harold Jenkins had left them uneasy, and the vivid image of the blood-soaked shrine dedicated to them still haunted their thoughts.

As the rain painted intricate patterns on the glass, the tension was broken by Allison's tentative question, her voice carrying a touch of awkwardness. "Where... Where did you go when you chased after Five?"

Katherine turned her gaze towards Allison, her eyes reflecting a mixture of weariness and introspection. She let her hands fall into her lap, her fingers tracing invisible patterns on her jeans as she contemplated her response. "I'm much closer than you know..." Her words held a hint of mystery, a veil of secrets that she was not yet ready to fully unveil.

The car's steady hum and the rhythmic sound of raindrops created a serene backdrop, amplifying the weight of the conversation they were sharing. Allison's expression shifted, her features hardening as she wrestled with her emotions. The suppressed tears glistened in her eyes, threatening to spill over as she continued, her voice quivering with raw vulnerability.

"We begged, you know..."

Katherine's heart ached as the truth of Allison's words struck her. Memories of the past resurfaced, their shared pleas to their father for Katherine's return, a desperate yearning for the bond they had lost. Her fingers clenched slightly, the weight of guilt settling on her shoulders.

Allison's grip on the steering wheel tightened, and the car's speed seemed to mirror the intensity of her emotions, pushing forward recklessly. Katherine's concern grew as she sensed the rapid acceleration, a palpable shift in the atmosphere within the vehicle.

"Calm down, Allison..." Katherine's voice held a soothing edge, a plea for her sister to find solace amidst the storm of emotions that had engulfed them both.

But Allison's internal turmoil was unrelenting, her foot pressing harder on the accelerator. The car surged forward with an alarming urgency, the rain-soaked road blurring beneath them. Katherine's anxiety spiked, and a sense of urgency overcame her. "Allison!" Her shout pierced the air, a desperate plea to snap Allison out of her distress-driven actions.

Allison jolted in her seat, her grip loosening on the steering wheel, and the car gradually slowed to a more reasonable pace. Her eyes were wide, brimming with a mixture of shock and realization, as the gravity of her actions settled in.

"I'm sorry... It just... you just came back and... and you always tell me, like when we grow older... I could bring my child to... to you, and now... Claire..." Allison's voice wavered, and a tear escaped her resolve, tracing a path down her cheek.

Katherine's heart ached as she listened to Allison's words, her empathy extending to the depths of her sister's pain. She reached out, her hand gently resting on Allison's arm, offering a tender comfort. "Hey... it's okay. I promise you once, and I'll promise again. I will protect all of you, and once we get through this, I'll be there with you every step of the way. We'll meet Claire, and I'll be right by your side." Her voice carried a soothing reassurance, a beacon of hope amidst the turmoil that surrounded them.

Allison looked at Katherine, her tearful eyes locking with hers. A small smile formed on her lips, a fragile yet genuine expression of gratitude. She nodded, her grip on the steering wheel finally loosening as she allowed herself to believe in the promise of a brighter future.

In that moment, their shared resolve to face the challenges ahead was cemented, a silent understanding passing between them as the rain continued to fall, washing away the weight of their worries and forging a bond of sisterly support that would weather any storm.

As Katherine gradually awakened from the depths of slumber, the rhythmic shaking of the car pulled her into consciousness. Blinking her eyes to adjust to the surroundings, she focused on Allison's concerned face hovering above her.

"Hey... we're here..."

Katherine straightened up in her seat, her grogginess fading as she took in their new surroundings. They had arrived at a quaint cabin nestled amidst the expanse of woods, its rustic charm standing in contrast to the modern world they had left behind.

"The grandmother's house?" Katherine inquired, her voice carrying a mix of curiosity and uncertainty.

Allison nodded, a faint smile playing on her lips as she stepped out of the car. Together, they gazed at the cabin, its weathered facade exuding an air of nostalgia and mystery. The surroundings were serene, the only sounds being the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of birds.

They made their way around to the back of the cabin, their footsteps creating soft imprints on the earth beneath them. As they inspected the closed windows, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The cabin held secrets, and they were determined to uncover them.

"The 101 on how to get inside the house like a natural robber," Katherine mused, a playful glint in her eyes. Her fingers traced an imaginary line on the window frame as she contemplated their next move.

Allison's chuckle echoed in the stillness of the woods, the sound mingling with the rustling leaves. "No one seems to be here, well, except the violin." Her voice carried a tinge of disappointment, a hint of longing for the familiarity they sought.

They exchanged a glance, their shared disappointment creating an unspoken bond between them. The allure of the cabin had enticed them, yet the promise of discovery had proven elusive.

Their contemplative silence was broken by a sudden flurry of movement. A bird soared across their path, its wings slicing through the air with graceful elegance. Both Katherine and Allison jumped, their startled reactions punctuating the tranquil ambiance.

Katherine's heart raced for a moment before she steadied her breathing, her gaze returning to her sister. A wry smile danced on her lips, and she shared a knowing look with Allison.

Nodding in agreement, Katherine pivoted on her heel and began to walk back to the car. Allison followed suit, the crunch of fallen leaves underfoot serving as a symphony to their shared decision.

"Let's explore a bit in town," Katherine suggested as they reached the car, her voice carrying a sense of adventure. She leaned against the car's door, waiting for Allison to take her place in the driver's seat.

Allison's fingers brushed against the steering wheel, a determined glint in her eyes. With a confident nod, she started the engine, the purr of the car resonating in the tranquil woods.

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