Chapter 14

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"We survived on scraps. Canned food, cockroaches, whatever I could scrounge up. Oh, and that rumor about Twinkies having an endless shelf life? Total bullshit," Five scoffed, his irritation evident in his voice. Katherine, lurking nearby, listened silently, her presence a mere shadow beside Vanya. The weight of her inability to assist Five's time travel endeavors weighed heavily on her, a silent burden she carried.

"I can't even begin to imagine," Vanya murmured, a note of sympathy in her voice.

"Survival's a game of adapt or die. We took whatever the world threw at us and turned it to our advantage," Five declared, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Katherine's mind wandered back to a memory of the apocalypse, the frantic search for Five amidst the encroaching darkness. Her relentless determination had led her to an abandoned library, where she had embraced him from behind, startling him. The memory of that encounter still sent shivers down her spine, a mix of relief, happiness, and fear etched in her mind.

Breaking free from her reverie, Katherine joined Vanya in the present conversation, "Yeah, it must've been tough."

Five's attention shifted, his gaze locking onto Katherine. A mixture of surprise, relief, and apprehension danced across his features as he recognized her. He swiftly broke free from her grasp, ensuring she met his gaze, the silent exchange between them speaking volumes.

"Ah, the loyal companion," Five motioned with a nod, directing Vanya's attention to Katherine. Vanya's eyes widened, disbelief evident as she processed the sight before her.

"You want something stronger to drink?" Vanya offered, acknowledging the tension that had settled in the room. Katherine followed Vanya with her gaze, a silent observer, her expression one of quiet acknowledgment. Five's intense stare remained fixed on Vanya as he accepted the offered glass.

"You think I'm insane," Five declared, a forced smile playing on his lips as he let out a dry chuckle. "No, it's just..." Vanya's voice faltered as she struggled to find the right words.

"A lot to digest?" Katherine interjected, her voice laced with wry amusement as she left her seat, moving to the spot where Five had been sitting, and resumed her position, engrossed in a book.

Five's demeanor shifted, his eyes narrowing as his irritation flared. Katherine, ever attuned to his emotions, placed a comforting hand on his arm, offering a side hug to soothe his frustration.

"Why didn't you just jump back in time?" Vanya inquired, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"Gee, why didn't I think of that?" Five retorted with heavy sarcasm, his annoyance palpable.

"Five, she didn't know," Katherine interjected, her voice a gentle plea to ease the tension.

"Time travel is unpredictable. I've tried countless times, and Katherine did everything she could to help me," Five snapped, his anger unabated despite Katherine's efforts.

Vanya's expression darkened as she absorbed the weight of Five's words. She now realized the extent of his efforts, the desperation that had driven him, and the unwavering support Katherine had provided.

"If you aged in the apocalypse, why do you still look like a kid? And Katherine too?" Vanya's question was met with a scowl from Five, his annoyance evident.

"I've explained this already. I must've miscalculated the equations," Five grumbled wearily, his frustration clear in his voice.

Vanya continued to probe, "Dad always said time travel could mess with your mind. Maybe that's why?"

Five's glass met the table with a forceful thud, his irritation reaching its peak. With a pointed look at Katherine, he signaled their departure, recognizing that the conversation had run its course.

"This was a mistake. You wouldn't understand," Five's voice rumbled with a mixture of frustration and exasperation as he headed toward the door, Katherine faithfully by his side.

"Five, wait," Vanya pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation.

For a moment, the tension hung thick in the air. Five turned to face Vanya, his stern demeanor softening as he listened to her words.

"I haven't seen you both in so long. I can't bear to lose you again," Vanya's admission pierced the veil of tension, her vulnerability on display for all to see.

Five's gaze dropped to the floor, his emotions swirling within him. Katherine offered a sad smile to Vanya, a silent acknowledgment of the shared sentiment.

With a whispered "Night," Vanya left them, retreating to her own thoughts and leaving Five and Katherine alone.

"Where are you headed?" Five's grip on Katherine's wrist stopped her, concern evident in his eyes.

"To prevent the apocalypse," Katherine's retort was sharp, her frustration palpable. Five's glare intensified, but Katherine's resolve remained unshaken.

Releasing her wrist, Five cupped Katherine's face gently, his touch a mixture of tenderness and authority. "I command you to rest. We'll talk later," Five's words were firm yet laced with a hint of gentleness.

Katherine's eyes darkened momentarily, a smoky haze enveloping her vision before dissipating. She met his gaze with a nod, her trust in him unwavering. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead before leaving, his steps echoing in the hallway.

"I guess another day of sleep won't hurt," Katherine mumbled to herself as she settled onto the couch, arranging the blankets to her liking before drifting into slumber.

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