Chapter 17

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You could cut the tension in the room with a knife, and it wasn't just because of Five's expertly crafted death glare, but also thanks to the doctor's oh-so-charming dirty stare. "And what about my consent?" Klaus chimed in, injecting some of his trademark sarcasm into the already electrified atmosphere.

Everyone stared at Klaus, their confusion reaching new heights, especially the doctor, who seemed utterly bewildered. "You want... to sleep with him?" Katherine's voice dripped with innocence as she innocently posed a question that had everyone mentally double-checking the rating of this conversation.

The room collectively cringed at Katherine's accusation, as if they had just bitten into a sour lemon, but Klaus wasn't one to let that derail his mission. "Who gave you permission... to lay your hands on my son?" Klaus pointed his accusatory finger at both the doctor and Five, earning himself a round of applause for escalating the already surreal situation.

Klaus wore a pained frown, but it wasn't from the confusion—it was from his acting skills being put to the test. The awkwardness hung in the air like a bad punchline, making everyone wonder if the universe had suddenly decided to host a cosmic comedy night.

"What?" Both the doctor and Five exclaimed in perfect unison, their baffled expressions harmonizing like a dysfunctional duet. Katherine's shocked gasp, on the other hand, could've been heard from another universe as she covered her mouth in sheer disbelief.

Five mustered an indignant "What! No!" while turning to Katherine, who was probably questioning her life choices at that very moment. Klaus, determined to steer the ship through these choppy waters, pressed on with his master plan, proving that nothing could deter him from his absurd quest for answers.

The doctor, seemingly bored with this whole circus, tried to defend himself with, "I didn't touch your son," as he glanced back and forth between the two siblings who seemed to be operating on a wavelength all their own.

Katherine, having had enough of this cacophony of confusion, indulged in a private thought. "So, all those dirty looks weren't for me but for Five? Well, he does have a gorgeous face..." she pondered, only to be startled when Five voiced her thoughts for all to hear.

"Well, then how did he get that swollen lip then?" Klaus's timely interruption was like a shockwave, causing all arguments to screech to a halt. Rising from his seat, Klaus delivered a swift punch to Five's face, giving him a real taste of his own medicine and gifting Five a bleeding and swollen lip as a memento of this peculiar encounter.

Katherine's gasp of concern was met with a restraining hand from Klaus, who dared anyone to slap her. Five, seemingly immune to his own injuries, sprang into action to shield Katherine, momentarily turning the room into a battlefield of protective instincts.

Amidst the chaos, Katherine found herself wiping blood from Five's lip, her actions a silent testament to their bond, while Five stared at her like she was the brightest star in his personal galaxy.

"I want it. Name, please. Now," Klaus demanded, channeling his inner interrogator and leaning in for dramatic effect. The doctor, cornered like a squirrel with no nuts left to squirrel away, pointed an accusatory finger at Klaus and declared, "You're crazy." But Klaus wasn't about to back down, giving the doctor a chuckle that could've sent shivers down a spine of steel.

Klaus's impromptu globe-smashing performance left everyone in a state of shock and awe, like they'd just witnessed a live reenactment of modern art meets concussion therapy. As Klaus directed his artistic wrath toward the doctor, Katherine observed in both horror and amusement, as if watching a particularly absurd circus act.

Klaus's strategic assault on the doctor's telephone was nothing short of poetic justice, culminating in a melodramatic cry for help—replete with German flair—before slamming the phone down with the kind of finality that would make Shakespeare proud.

The showdown continued, with Klaus unveiling his masterstroke—a perfectly choreographed plan to ensure their escape. As Klaus delivered his spine-tingling ultimatum, Katherine couldn't help but admire her brother's theatrics, complete with his dramatic sobs and shaky performance, earning him a place in the "Dramatic Academy of Klaus."

With the stage set and the doctor sufficiently bewildered, Klaus and his siblings stood united, triumphant grins playing on their lips as they reveled in their shared victory. Klaus bestowed upon the doctor a bright future in prison, including a starring role as the featherweight champion of the prison yard.

Klaus's parting hip-swaying commentary turned the room into a surreal dance floor, a chaotic juxtaposition of threats and twerking hips that defied all logic but left everyone simultaneously entertained and concerned for Klaus's sanity.

"Yep, you're gonna do great, doc. Just fabulous," Klaus chortled, offering his endorsement for the doctor's upcoming stint in the penal system. The doctor's indignant claim of Klaus being a "sick bastard" was met with an unexpectedly somber "Thank you" from Klaus, a momentary departure from the comedic theatrics that had played out.

As the shards of glass sparkled on the floor, the room seemed to exhale a collective sigh of relief, finally free from the confines of that bizarre farce.

As the doctor pored over files, a sense of anticipation hung in the air, making the room feel as tense as a spider on a tightrope. With an air of hesitation, the doctor opened the file, only to be greeted by an unexpected revelation—the coveted prosthetic they sought was still in the realm of imagination, not reality.

"Where did you get that eye?" The doctor's words cut through the silence like a surgeon's scalpel, his gaze fixed on Five. Klaus, ever the opportunist, joined the fray, positioning himself as the doctor's eager assistant in this peculiar procedure. Meanwhile, Katherine couldn't help but tune out the conversation, her thoughts drifting like autumn leaves carried away by the wind.

"Well, isn't this a lovely turn of events?" Five's sarcastic comment punctuated their exit from the fruitless encounter. "I mean, I was pretty much nailing it, right?" Klaus beamed with self-satisfaction, his proud smirk an artwork in itself. Katherine shared an unspoken praise for Klaus, an alliance of amusement forged behind Five's oblivious back.

Concern etched her features, knowing well that a sleep-deprived Five was akin to a ticking time bomb. "What? What's all the fuss about this eye, anyway?" Klaus's casual question hung in the air like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over their next move. "Klaus, don't you worry your pretty little head," Five snapped, his irritation palpable enough to make the air crackle. In an attempt to quell the brewing storm, Katherine moved closer to Five, her presence a calming balm amidst the chaos.

Five's explanation unleashed a foreboding revelation that sent a chill down their spines. The gravity of the situation seemed to sink in as Five closed the gap between him and Klaus, a palpable tension brewing between them.

"By the way, I've got a question too—can I have that 20 bucks now, or are we putting it on layaway?" Klaus's playful request snapped them back to reality, his tone as irreverent as ever.

"Your 20 bucks?" Five's raised eyebrow mirrored their collective bewilderment, a silent testament to the unpredictability of their circumstances.

"Yeah, my 20 bucks," Klaus repeated, a subtle reminder that even amidst impending doom, a debt was a debt, and some things just couldn't be ignored.

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