Chapter 37

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Allison maneuvered through the city streets, the flow of traffic momentarily halting their progress. With synchronized eye rolls, they shared an exasperated glance, the inconvenience of the situation evident in their expressions. It was just a few minutes into their drive, yet they could already sense an unusual tension in the air.

As the car came to a stop, Allison and Katherine exchanged puzzled looks. Something didn't quite feel right, and a shared instinct propelled them to step out of the car. Their feet carried them towards the commotion ahead, the sight of police cars and uniformed officers sparking a sense of curiosity.

Katherine's sharp gaze caught a glimpse of something peculiar – a scarf hanging from a nearby wall. She tapped Allison's shoulder and pointed discreetly, her silence communicating the urgency of the moment. Without a word, they moved towards the scarf, their hearts beginning to race.

"Vanya's scarf..." their voices echoed in perfect unison, the realization hitting them like a wave. The fabric hung innocently, yet its presence spoke volumes, igniting a rush of emotions within them.

Continuing forward, they arrived at a scene marked by a yellow crime scene line, a somber reminder of the unfolding events. Their intent to gather information led them to an encounter with a vigilant police officer.

"Hey! Pardon me. Hey," the officer addressed them. "I gotta ask you two to stay behind the lines. We had an accident here last night."

Curiosity burned bright in Katherine's eyes as she inquired further, her concern overriding any hesitations. However, the officer's response left them both wanting more.

"A... What kind of accident?"

"Ma'am. The line, please."

Allison complied, gently guiding Katherine away from the line, but their determination remained unwavering.

"Got a lot of stuff on the ground, okay? To be wary of."

The officer's evasive answers only fueled Katherine's determination to learn the truth. Frustration danced across her features, her persistence standing out even as Allison stepped in.

"We... We're trying to figure that out. As soon as we do, you'll be able to read it in the newspaper with everybody else. So, have a nice day."

Katherine's furrowed brow showcased her dissatisfaction, her desire for answers remaining unquenched. The officer's recognition of Allison added an unexpected layer to the encounter, his excitement revealing a hint of his personal intrigue.

"Holy shit! You're Allison Hargreeves, right?" The man's excitement was palpable, yet Katherine couldn't help but interject.

"Yeah, she is, and I'm Katherine, her sister."

The officer's focus shifted, his attention now fully captured by Katherine's presence. The distraction allowed Allison to seize the opportunity, her sunglasses coming off as she tried to establish a connection.

"Officer, if there's any way..."

Her words were abruptly cut off, the officer's radio crackling to life.

"Copy, Cheddar?"

"Yeah... What did you get, Fred?"

"Hospital called. Perp from last night just regained consciousness."

"Copy that. I'll be right over."

While the officer was preoccupied with his radio, Katherine seized the chance to playfully appeal to his sympathy.

"Officer, my feet hurt. Can you take me to the hospital? You know, where you're supposed to go? It'd be much better... You can do that for me, right?"

A chuckle escaped the officer's lips, his amusement evident. He nodded, his gaze switching between Katherine and Allison.


With their unexpected ally leading the way, they were directed towards his police car, their journey now intertwined with the unfolding events of the night. As the car pulled away from the scene, Allison and Katherine exchanged a knowing glance, their pursuit of the truth undeterred by obstacles.

As they arrived at the hospital, Katherine's unease grew more palpable. She cast a hesitant glance at the building's entrance, her apprehension causing her to linger outside while Allison took charge of the situation within. She leaned against the cold exterior of the hospital, her fingers absently tracing the area on her neck where she had administered the antidote earlier.

A twinge of discomfort coursed through her, the sensation of pain radiating from the injection site. Katherine couldn't help but scratch at the area gently, hoping to alleviate the growing ache. The action provided only fleeting relief, her brows furrowing in frustration as the pain persisted.

Her attempts to soothe the discomfort escalated, her fingers working to massage the area. However, before she could make any headway, Allison emerged from the hospital, her determined strides purposeful and urgent.

"Katherine, come on!" Allison's urgent command cut through the air, and Katherine found herself being tugged towards the waiting car with unexpected force.

Confusion clouded Katherine's features as she stumbled into the car beside Allison, her heart racing from the sudden turn of events. The cabin, which had held the promise of answers, now seemed further away as Allison sped through the streets.

The car's tires screeched against the asphalt, the urgency of their departure reflecting the turmoil that churned within both sisters. Katherine's mind raced, a flurry of questions and concerns vying for her attention.

"Allison, what's going on?" Katherine finally managed to voice her confusion, her gaze locked onto the road ahead as they neared the cabin.

Allison's grip on the steering wheel tightened, her eyes fixed ahead as her mind whirled with its own set of worries. She spared a quick glance at Katherine, her expression a mixture of determination and concern.

"We need to figure this out, Katherine. Whatever's happening, we can't ignore it," Allison replied, her voice steady but laced with worry.

Katherine's fingers nervously traced the edges of her seat, her thoughts a whirlwind of possibilities. The pain in her neck continued to throb, a constant reminder of the rancor fighting the elsinour in her body.

As they pulled up to the cabin, the familiar sight now carried a weight of uncertainty. Katherine stepped out of the car, her gaze shifting between Allison and the cabin's entrance. She could feel the tension in the air, a sense of foreboding settling in the pit of her stomach.

With a shared determination, the sisters entered the cabin once more, the weight of their discoveries and the unknown future pressing upon them.

BEHIND THE SCENE: ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴜᴍʙʀᴇʟʟᴀ ᴀᴄᴀᴅᴇᴍʏ || 𝗧𝗨𝗔Where stories live. Discover now