After the Party

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I'm not looking at his face but I already know there is going to be that smug smile.

"So how was the party?" he asks, but I know he wants to say more.

Amazing. Scratch that - The best night of my life.

"Okay, I guess." I shrug, hiding the truth.

"Who was that boy you were with?" Aris questions.

Heat floods my cheeks at the mention of Thomas.

As if I need reminding of what happened.

"Just a friend." I tell him, hoping he can't see my red cheeks.

"You sure he's not your boyfriend?" His eyes have a teasing glint now.

"I've been at that school for one day and you think I already have a boyfriend? Who do you think I am?" I say with mock disgust.

"Whatever," he says, rolling his eyes,

"I don't mind if you have a boyfriend. Just make sure you know what you're doing."

He still has that smug smile on his face.

"And what exactly do you think we're gonna do?" I ask him with raised eyebrows.

He stays quiet but we both know the answer anyway.

I've made a promise to myself to never go further than kissing until I'm 18.

I walk upstairs and leave my brother in the living room. I think he'll be fine on his own for a little bit, and then maybe he will shut up about the party.

When I open my bedroom door, I start texting Sonya.

Me: You still at the party?

My phones dings immediately.

Sonya: Nope, got a lift home from Harriet. You okay?
Me: If you mean my face, then yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry, I've still got my beautiful looks and it's gonna take more than a slap to get rid of it ;)
Sonya: Lol. So are you and Thomas a thing??

Are we?

I have no idea.

We did kiss but that was a dare. Maybe it didn't mean anything to him.

I know I like him but I'm not sure he likes me back. I want him to like me back. It would be like Christmas had come early.

What is happening to me? I met this guy the other day.

I know this is short but I'm gonna do a longer one next. This is just so I can get the story together better. Comment what you think. If it's good vote. I'm gonna try update as soon as I can but I'm really busy this week with tests and revision.

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