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welcome to just angst! this will be set when Peter is 15 years old, after spider bite, after Ben died (but Ben died earlier? so like when he was 12/13? he got bitten at 13) and after homecoming but there's a bit of a strain on their relationship so they aren't truly bonded yet. again this is just angst so if you don't want to get hurt ill do a less hurt chapter after this. also this is set in 2020 because corona

TW: Death, a little bit of self harm, Eating Disorder but not graphic, emotional abuse reference maybe, still be careful don't trigger yourself(I'm sorry)


At fifteen years old, Peter parker received another blow of trauma on top of his already heavy stack. Aunt May died. Aneurysm, they said, it got too big for the wiring that they trapped it in and there was no way to fix it besides an expensive, invasive surgery that would leave May unable to do anything but sleep.

"There's a chance," a doctor-he can't remember names-had told him after giving him the news, "she might be able to talk and walk around again if she undergoes the surgery. but she'll be in pain for the rest of her life."

Peter doesn't think he's a selfless person, but in that moment he would give up anything, Spiderman, his very life even, just to have anything of Mays, even her cooking. Peter doesn't end up making the call.

She dies at 2 am the next day.

She was getting better too. For a month Peter had been living with MJ and her family-Ned couldn't take him in, Peter didn't mind, he understood-and there had been phone calls (visits weren't allowed. he wasn't a blood relative, and he was a minor. it's fine he understood), and he had heard that she was walking around. "a miracle," they had said, "she's going to make it, she's s lucky." Parker Luck he supposes.

Peter walks out of the hospital and cries, he cries for maybe ten minutes when a women-Melissa, he thinks- comes up to him, tells him she's with CPS, and that's that. Tony Stark ends up picking him up from child protective services at four am, with a heavy sigh Peter can only assume is from disappointment and Peter gets into the car with Tony and Happy and stares at the window. silent tears burn down his cheeks the entire thirty minute drive to the tower (because Mr. Stark couldn't have him live up at the compound, he had to stay near Midtown.(secretly Peter wishes he could move far away. disappear. Go somewhere no one has ever head of him and wither away into ash. Peter will never voice this thought aloud)).

the next day is a Tuesday-his usual favorite day, he has dance that day, he made friends or maybe just people who deal with him, either way. he wakes up and goes to school.

The captain of the dance team-Quinn, Peter remembers his name- apologizes for his lost and holds his hand while doing so. Peter throws up in the bathroom and cries.

one week after May-three weeks to the funeral and wake

Peter can't eat. every time he tries his stomach rolls and he has to run for the bathroom. Shame flushed onto his cheeks every time he walks to his room. so he stops.

at first just to make the sick feeling in his stomach go away, he doesn't intend on not eating, he has a performance with the dance team this week and he intends to do them. Every time he looks at food his stomach rolls. He throws his lunch away.

100 hours

Peter doesn't think anyone has noticed yet. the way he doesn't eat breakfast in the mornings with Ned and Mj. the way he refuses a snack. the way his arms wrap around his stomach wishing it would stop. he thinks maybe it's time to stop, he hit a hundred hours after all, Peter thinks of his last texts to May. He can go longer.

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