The One Where I actually Upload

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Yeah sorry about that. I have two other chapters that I'm gonna post tho. Don't worry guys. Ok yeah so this one is where Peter meets Harley Endgame and FFH spoilers(except the ending never happened). Don't worry. He comes back. Also uh Steve is with Bucky (AKA how it should have ended Dory if you ship stony or something. I just don't think Steve should have ended with Peggy but this is long enough) this is a bad summary ig but partner and irondad
TW: mentioned rape/non-con, mentioned abuse, death, Peter is sad
You would think that after everything had gone to shit. The world might give you a break. Well you'd be wrong. Peter Parker can vouch for that.

He watched his third father figure die and he could have had five years with him...maybe more if only he hadn't turned to dust and been so stupid.

The worst part was after Beck. He thought he'd found another father figure. No. Beck destroyed him. Mentally and physically. He broke up with Mj because he was terrified  of himself. Of the world.

One day as he left school with Ned and Mj (they were still friends Mj realized she was a lesbian soon after anyway) Happy was there to pick him up.

Peter smiled and waved and someone bumped into him.

"Flash-" Peter started to say but when he looked up t wasn't the harsher boy like he was used to. Instead it was an older boy. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and something in the back of his mind told him to RUN and GET OUT NOW but he didn't know why.

"Sorry Einstein didn't mean to bump you" the older man said.

"Sorry do I know you" Peter replied curtly. He didn't know why but he hated that nickname.

"You don't remember me? Skip? Wescott?Petey Pie. We used to have so much fun." Skip said a wicked grin displayed on his lips which reminded Peter of a squirrel run over by several cars. Skip then leaned closer to Peter and whispered "your so much prettier grown up" and he left and Peter almost broke.

Mj somehow knew who he was because as soon as he said his name she pulled Peter away. Once they were by Happys car Mj said

"How do you know him? How is he here!" She was furious

Ned looked pale. Peter looked scared. Happy looked confused.

"Sorry I'm confused?" Peter Said tentivly.

"That was Steven Wescott Peter. He was a child rapist" Ned muttered. And Peter broke.

Not loudly. Or noticeable to anyone who was paying attention but suddenly he felt like he was hit by a freight train (he has before) ad memories began to flood back of touches and pleads and "skip stop please" and hands and screams and hands and hands and hands.

"Peter lets go back to the tower. I have a surprise for you" happy said wearily.

"Text me" Ned muttered and walked away with Mj probably to talk about Peters mental condition.
When Peter arrived at the tower he saw Bucky and Steve sitting together and Tony standing in the foyer talking to some angel haired god that Peter recognized from the funeral. But Tony couldn't be here. He was dead which meant-

"Beck! What are you doing here! You should be dead! What you try to trick my friends and family now?" Peter said and stormed toward "Tony"

"Pete? It's me Tony?" Tony said confused "who's Beck?"

"Prove it! Prove to me your really Tony!" Peter said. He almost shouted. Inside he was ready to cry.

"Uhhh the first time I met you, you tried to change the subject by talking about the alien spaceships that were actually-"

"Ok yeah you Tony. Thank god" Peter said and hugged the man very tight.

"Well I wanted to introduce you to Harley" Tony said hugging Leter equally as tight.

"Hi I'm...Peter" Peter said as he faced the man. God is more like it. Thor would be jealous.

"Hey I'm Harley" God even his accent is perfect. "Roof?" Oh shoot must have spaced out.

Instead of speaking (he didn't trust his tounge at the moment) he followed him. Hoping something good would come out of this


Expect a part two sometime.

Love y'all.

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