The One Where Tony Finds Put About Skip Westcott

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TW: mentions Rape/Non Con but only in flashbacks

Sligh Parkner but only if you glimpse

He was having a panic attack. Correction He, Peter Parker AKA spider-man AKA Peter "I'm fine" Parker AKA Peter "who had the worst luck and was very much NOT fine at this moment" Parker, was having a panic attack on Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man AKA Bassically his father figure at this point, and maybe half of the avengers.

Talk about Parker Luck 

It had started 10 minutes ago. He doesn't know why or how because they weren't talking about anything in specific all they were talking about was something about science with Bruce and then a police car drove by and suddenly Peter was out of breath.

Normally it would make him think of Uncle Ben (which Tony still didn't know about, or maybe he did but he didn't know about Peters immense guilt that followed him around like a stray cat waiting to be fed), or when the building crushed him (which Tony didn't and Will Never know about so bless his soul) but now it was a different memory. Something Peter has repressed since he was 10 and the nightmares got worse.

Skip Fucking Wescott. AKA Possibly the worst thing that ever happened to him. AKA his whole fear of seeing him in the street. AKA the reason he wears sweaters all the time. AKA his best kept secret because no one knows about him. Not even Natasha.

No one knows about his nightmares, or the fact that he doesn't eat sometimes, or his panic attacks. He can't let the avengers think he's weak after all.

Maybe the panic attack would have not happened if he hadn't seen Skip earlier that day as spider-man, where he had to save him.

But now Natasha is throwing him side glances and he thinks she's talking to him.

"Hey ok?" Is all he catches from her lips

"Yeah!" Peter says too quickly, and he know she catches the lie, he sees it in the way her head twitches and her eyes glare. "I'm fine, just kinda thinking."

"Ok well...stop thinking... Tony called for you in the lab. I think he's coming to get you tho."

Peter nods and stands up, trying to think of something to say but his mouth is dry so he just nods and makes his way over there.

"C'mon Peter skip on over there" Is all Natasha says before going to back to staring at the TV

Peter looks over to her to respond, or at least try, but then he sees that face. That freaking face that has haunted his nightmares. He mumbles something about telling Tony he's in his room and he stumbles out going to his room, shutting the door and locking it. And climbing on the bed.

The panic attack- anxiety attack? He doesn't know, or care, maybe it's real. Because he feels like he's back with Skip in his apartment where it's to tight, and Skip is touching him and he's telling him to stop but he won't and-

There's a knock at the door. Peter almost screams but he controls himself. He clams his  nails into his fists which are sure to make crescent shaped marks later but it's keeping him grounded for now.

"Hello" is all he says in a raspy voice

"Hey Pete it's me can you let me in" Tony? He thinks it's Tony. Peter goes to open the door, unclenching his hands and then.

What if Skip found him. He can't go through that again. Suddenly he's back in the room again and on the floor and he doesn't even know he's crying until someone tries to touch his shoulder and he cries harder throwing himself away and hitting his head in the process.

Snap. Snap. Snap. Peter opens his eyes. He sees Tony with a concerned expression.

Tony gives him a question glance and is saying to breath and it's hard, it's really hard. But it's Tony. So Peter does.

After a while Peter calms down when Tony speaks.

"Can I? Or will you hurl yourself across the room?" He says it softly. And because it's Tony, his dad, his safe place.  Peter let's him.

He's calm now so all Tony does is hug him and rub circles into his back.

"Hey Pete....that was a pretty bad panic attack." Tony whispers. Peter just nods. "Wanna talk about it."

Peter sighs. He doesn't want to tell him...he really doesn't. It's been his secret, but Tony smiles at him and tells him that it's ok he doesn't have to and he can say no if he wants and Peter freezes. He can say no if wants.

"Skip......Wescott" is all Peter says for a few minutes. Tony then raises an eyebrow and waits for him to continue. Peter does. He tells him everything and when he's done he looks at Tony and Tony's frowning and the anxiety is growing again but then Tony says.

"Peter, it's ok. I'm here for you." And Peter hugs him.

"Does anyone else know?" Tony says

Peter shakes his head

"Not even Harley?"

"No...I can't burden him like's not fair." Peter says shaking his head

"Pete... talking to him might help...your like his brother"

Peter cringes at the choice of words "maybe not brother." He says softly hoping Tony would get the hint. He does.

"Ooh wow ok." Is all he says for a minute before saying "so lasagna for dinner?"

Peter shakes his head. He is very glad he has his family.

They walk out

"Do you and Harley huh?"

"Shut up DAD!"

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