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It's pride month so your getting one of these. Still Irondad. But also. Peter is bi change my mind. Also there is some light Parkner.

Ned wasn't supposed to find out. Ideally no one was supposed to find out because in a Peters's mind, who would except him?

It was two weeks ago, Peter had told Ned that he had work, and in Peters defense he actually did have work, but it also seemed to happen that Harley (Tony's other "child") was there at Stark Towers, where Peter worked , and Peter just couldn't function properly at work with that freaking perfection of a child near him and then the unthinkable happened. So that's how Ned came into his room with Peter having a panic attack because Harley had- accidentally- kissed him. On the cheek. But still Peter would get what he could.

Ned had been more then accepting (Ned himself was acesexual, so it was a fun day) and fast forward to the present and Peter was sitting on a roof, just on the outskirts of pride, with Ned and Mj (who had known all along. But she was accepting none the less when Peter had come out to her. Watching the parade take place. Peter was in his suit.

"Just go already. Your just being scared." Mj complained

"Your not the one going!" Ned said and Mj pursed her lips.

"Dude, you would be the first openly queer superhero. Kids need that. You can do it. Ok. And if it's bad, I'm sure Mr. Stark will help you out." Mj said which was apparently the right thing to say because although Peter tensed, he nodded. He just didn't want to disappoint anyone.
Peter sighed then dropped from the building and into the middle of pride, where people went silent as he dropped down. No one said anything, for a moment until Peter broke the silence.

"Uh, hey guys, mind if I join the parade?" He said, as an older women approached him with a few flags of choice. He picked up a bi flag and put it around his neck like a cape. And then everyone went crazy .

People cheered and clapped. A small girl tugged his hand, she had to be no more then 9 but she was carrying pan flag. Peters heart melted. She hugged him and whispered a thanks in his ear before leaving. He got a lot of thoose that day.

Then there was the hard part. He had to go to his house, hopefully it had only made minor news, and that's if he was lucky. Unfortunately, it was the hit topic of the moment and Mj rolled her eyes but wished him luck along with Ned.

He swung in the tower and turned around, it got quiet. Peters heart rate sped up but when he saw Tony's soft smile it melted away.

"Hey kid, nice job out there, and you won the bet." Tony said with a smile that reached his eyes.

"Yeah, what bet?" Peter said looking around.

"We bet to see if you or cap over there would go national first. You won, which means I won $20" tony said smirking before crushing Peter in a hug.

The world would go crazy tomorrow but right now he was glad that he was here. In the arms of his dad, and his weird avenger family, and knowing that he was loved. He could stay this way forever.

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