The One Where Natasha Beats Up Flash

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Hope y'all are enjoying this bad writing
Natasha was waiting outside if Peters school. She had asked Happy if she could pick him up, and he said yes, of course. She had been worried about him previously, he seemed o have bruises on him occasionally that he didn't know were there, and she wanted to make sure no one was hurting Peter.

However Peter didn't come out within the first few minutes, but someone else did.

"Hey Happy, Ned again Peter-" he trailed off when he saw Natasha in the car.

"Hello Ned." She said calmly "where's Peter?"

"Uh Black Widow, uh, well Peter's, going to um, be a little late, he's working on something and you know how hard it is to stop him from working but we're trying our best." Ned rambled.

"First of all,who's we?" Natasha said calmly getting out of the car. "Second of all, stop lying to me and tell me where Peter is." She entered the school

Peter was not having a fun day. First he failed his art quiz (how do you even fail art?) and then there was a math pop quiz that, he was sure did fine in, but it wasn't a present surprise. So when Flash said it was his birthday so he could be as mean as he wanted, Peter wasn't all that suprised.

He was suprised, tho, when Natasha Romanoff burst into the classroom Flash was beating him up in and in barely any time at all Flash was on the floor, and all of his goons where out the door.

"Hey, Natasha." Peter said meekly slowly getting up.

"You and I, need to talk." She replied "but for now, I'm thinking ice cream, yeah?"

"As long as it's not mint." Peter replied smiling.

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