Haha. Im sorry

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So it's been a while. I didn't want to update too soon so I just didn't for a few months...anyway here's some hurt. Maybe comfort.
TW: sexual assault. Not graphic but it's mentioned point blank out. Don't trigger yourselves. Also death. Gun violence. Minor character death. Also some derogatory language

They say Icarus didn't die that day. Instead he landed in the water. Alive but drowning

The plane ride had given him whispers of a mother and father he once knew. And dead parents replaced them with a tired aunt who is trying and an uncle with a warm smile.
Peter was lucky, he figured, other kids might've died too. He was lucky. Peter became obsessed with the sky, which led him to love Greek mythology, which led to the discovery of Icarus. And when a kid named Eugene asked where his parents where on the playground that fateful day he said that they tried to fly higher and the sun melted their wings. Which was a stupid thing to say but Peter loved pretending always have always will. Pretending his parents weren't dead, pretending he was okay, etc etc.

When Peter was 8 he was raped by the first friend he ever had right under his book of Greek Gods. On his brand new bedding. He didn't sleep for weeks. "Mythology is for pussies. This is what happens to pussies" Peter didn't sleep for days. Tearing down his bedding and posters. He put up science posters. He got into science. He told an uncle and aunt who seemed to age in horror of what had happened to their pseudo-son. They wore a haunted look from that moment until their deathbeds.

But Peter didn't drown. Not yet. He made friends with quite possibly the best person Ned Leeds. When he broke down and told Ned, Ned only gave him a hug and said "I'm proud of you". Peter had a friend. He wasn't drowning yet. He's only 12 after all. What could go wrong

Peter had Tony and Nat and the rest of the avengers and even Ned and Aunt May (rip Ben). But he was drowning. He's 13 and bit by a spider, 13 and watching the man you've come to see lik your father die on the street. 14 and fighting captain America, 15 and fighting aliens and trapped under buildings, 16 and dying and brought back to life.

They were right. Icarus didn't die by the sun. He was drowning drowning drowning.

Until he wasn't.

It was three am when Peter woke up, usually dark and lights from the city lingering in the penthouse

He made his way into the kitchen expecting quiet. Tony had left a note saying
Make hot chocolate and meet me in the labs. I know you're up kid. Talk to me. I'll make ravioli

Peter smiled, maybe he wasn't drowning yet

Hi yes I know this is shit but I'll write better in the future probably. I have a lot on my plate. Sorry. See you guys soon

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