No Angst Here

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Hello, welcome to Found Family Hurt/comfort. because we can't just have midnless fluff now can we??? anyway here's some parley for you saps (I'm kidding it's just fluff)

TW: attachment issues.....yay?? I should probably change he title to Spiderman one-shot now shouldn't's fine


Peter is laying on his bed in the compound, one of Harley's blanket is wrapped mindlessly around him. It doesn't smell like Harley anymore-too much time away from the person would do that- but it provides the same comfort that it did originally. 

Peter breathes in deeply and smiles. He's happy-a twinge of guilt at his own happiness pricks the back of his mind (he mentally hits his brain)-he's truly happy. 

From the phone a short laugh comes. Peter turns over and see's a laughing Harley smiling at him. Every time Harley smiles-at him no less-Peter's heart grows. 

"what are you so happy about love?" Peter says grinning.

"you," Harley responds looking Peter straight in the eye and smiling brighter, "I am going to marry you, and then you're going to wake up waffles in bed every day."

Peter loves waffles. he'd consume them every day for all three meals if he could. Peter smiles and shoots a teasing grin before responding. 

"Oh yeah? well I'm going to marry you and then you'll wake up too..." Peter trails off, Harley doesn't have a favorite breakfast food, he's stumped. 

"aw got your tounge?" Harley smirks before continuing, "I can help."

Peter groans and throws a stuffed animal (Harley gave it to him, it's a light blue dinosaur and Peter loves it) at his phone and then fixes the phones position. 

"that was so bad Harley, absolutely terrible 0/10."

"mhm and you blushing definitely proves that point."

"not my fault I love you so much-" Peter stops. they've said I love you before but every time Peter waits for a "I don't love you Peter" back. tonight is not the night he gets one. 

"Baby," Harley drawls out in his (annoyingly attractive) southern accent, "I love you too (his voice softens, he knows how Peter gets), I'm staying right here."

"forever?" comes the timid reply.

"as long as you'll have me."

a text interrupts the pair. it's Tony. Peter groans. 

"I have to go. Family movie night, Tony's day to pick." Peter blows Harley a kiss and texts tony he'll be down soon. 

"you going to be okay love?" Harley asks responding to Peters kiss with one of his own. 

"I have you, I'll be just fine."


okay there ya g. see y'all eventually. 

If you have suggestions comment them and I might do hem

If you comment tho 99% chance I'll respond I have nothing to do except play genshin impact and I'm taking a break before I go do some tasks to level up. 

have a wonderful day and don't forget to drink water and eat you're valid and loved :)

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