"Im Fine"

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Hahaha Angst. Idk why but like I'm writing it. No character deaths tho
Tw: implied physical abuse/Emotional abuse, may not being the amazing angel I love her, Peter being sad, depressing poetry I guess.

"I'm fine" the words ring hollow out of his throat. They do every time Tony Asks him this question which is seemingly more and more.

"Ok" he replies but it's not convincing Peter prays that Tony moves on, he does. "Well we are having a poem contest for your school, you should judge it."

It's a suggestion, one that Peter can't take. "Sorry Mr. Stark, but poetry bores me half to death, you should get Harley to do it." And then he's off, rushing to school in a flurry of movement, because if this conversation goes on much longer he might say something he isn't supposed to say.

"Are you sure your ok Peter?" Tony Asks again from the front seat of the car.

Peter nods but doesn't say anything else, he can't say anything else, even though he wants to.

School is the regular release of stress only to gain it back again. But when he gets to English with Ned and his teacher announces the contest for Stark Industries Peter almost laughs, almost.

Words on paper is Peters greatest and only defense. And so he writes a poem on lined paper.

                        I like curtains
             My mind is a broken window,
cracked and broken beyond repair but only,
    Enough that you wouldn't know if you
                 weren't looking for it
              The Realtor bought curtains
         Bright colorful things that shimmer
       in reds and golds, lighting up rooms
                   Hiding the monster
   The first time the monster locked me out
  It was summer, branches scraped my arms
     I was shocked, but I waited as the sun
         scorched my face until it let me in.
            By the third time I expected it
            But it didn't make it any better
           So the realtor put up curtains
              To hide my broken cracks
                     I like curtains

He turned in the poem quickly and walked away. Peter tugged his sleeves to hide the bruises that weren't there.

In health a teacher came in to talk about abuse. By the end of the class everyone had to answer questions.

"Peter, would you tell or text someone if you weren't in a safe home" Peter answers yes to the question, even though he knows he won't even if something did happen.

"Are you in a safe house hold" "yes" no

"Has anyone ever hit you in your home" "no" yes, but only twice so it doesn't matter

"Do you know how to recognize an abuser "yes" he didn't for four years

They move on and Peter looks down his sleeves at the invisible bruises.

Time passes and Ned appears out of nowhere, down goes the sleeve, quickly possibly to quick.

"Are you ok?" Is the immediate question

A laugh and a smile that never reaches his eyes "I'm fine"

I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm not fine but no one notices.

At lunch Michelle looks at him weird and after a while speaks.
"It's not nice to keep secrets parker"

"I don't, well besides-"

"You do and you shouldn't" comes the reply to quickly

"Neither should you" He retorts but he knows, she knows it's a feeble attempt to keep him off his trail.

The rest of the day rushes by in a blur and until the end of the day, he has extracurricular where the monster is supposed to pick him up.

He has a panic attack, but after he calms down (someone noticed, Betty, but she wished him well, and left, which was almost worse in a way) it's only Tony picking him up.

"Sorry May couldn't pick you up Pete, she had an extra shift." Tony apologizes, but Peter just nods and asks if Ned can come home with him. Tony shrugs and Ned gets in the car all laughs and smiles and Peter joins him because a weight has been lifted (but he does feel like an idiot for panicking)

It's all fun and games and laughter and smiling until Harley comes running down and asks Ned if he can help identify the winning poem. Peter can't see much but he can see the title.

                            I Like Curtains
Peter freezes but plays it off and continues working on the LEGO he and Ned are building.

Harley and Ned are gone for a while, but with his super hearing Peter can hear snippets of their conversation, panic and worry in Neds and anger in Harley's. Peter heard the frantic running as Ned approached him


Peter isn't prepared for the statements he cocks his head in confusion.

"Give me your arm Peter." Need voice is soft and almost pleading him. Peter does.

Harley examines his arm and Peter feels like a bug (or a spider- which aren't bugs) under a microscope. After a while of silence

"I'm telling Tony." Harley says and he sees the invisible bruise which Peter guesses aren't invisible anymore.

"I'm so sorry Peter" is all Ned says and he hugs him.

Harley kisses him on the cheek and hugs him.

"Don't tell Tony." Peter says almost a whisper

"I have to Pete."

"It's not physicall I'm fine" lies it is they've seen the bruises

"We have to Peter." Neds voice rings out agains Harley's protest.

"I can't leave her" Peter weakly protests

"It's not safe"

After a lot of protests and words and worried looks

"Ok" Peter whispers, small.

Harley smiles and takes his hand, lacing his fingers and giving them a reassuring squeeze.

"I love you Peter"

"I love you too"

"I also love you, bro."

"Thanks Ned."

Laughter, smiles, and walking to Tony. He won't say anything but he knows he'll be ok.

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