The Feild trip

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You know the drill. Just IronDad no harley so

Peter was in a haze that day. He woke up with sensory overload and it took him a while before he could even open his eyes so. He was not doing well to say the least and definitely did not hear his teacher when they said where they were going on a field trip that day.

"Dude!" His best friend and Guy in the Chair, Ned said slapping him on the arm.

"What." Peter groaned tired

"Did you hear the teacher! We're going to Stark Industries! You can finally prove you have an internship there!" Ned said

"Yeah, remind me to thank you for telling everyone that." Peter says sarcastically suddenly more alert. Because holy schnitzel they are going to Stark Tower and now everyone is going to find out that he lives there.

"Hey Penis! You excited for the trip?" Flash yelled from across the classroom.

"Shut up Flash," Mj warned. "This field trip is a bust anyway." She muttered.

The rest of the morning went as usual. He was bullied by Flash (no he hasn't told Mr. Stark because he hasn't hit him. Ok that's a lie he does sometimes but he didn't do it today. Ok that's a lie he did, but he had to get hit! He could handle it! And if he didn't who would?) took the usual taunts from his classmates and geeked out with Ned.

They boarded the buses quickly everyone excited to tour the towers. Everyone except Peter. And maybe MJ

"Peter you have been punched several times and seem to be having a mild panic attack. Would you like me to inform Mr. Stark?" His A.I. Karen said in his ear.

"No." He muttered steadying his breathing before looking up and seeing that they were at the tower.

"That was a short trip!" Ned exclaimed practically jumping off the bus.

"Yeah time sure flies when your stressed and dying." Peter quipped  sarcastically earning a short 'HA' from Mj.

Peter walked into the stark building, one hand in his pocket the other fumbling for the pass he always seemed to be loosing.

"Hello everyone! I'm Toni! I'll be your tour guide today" an intern said smiling brightly "Peter I see your back! Welcome, do you have your pass?" Toni winked at him.

"Uh y-yeah" Peter mumbled embarrassed.

Toni explained the passes. Blue was tourist/press and expired after the day was done. Green was visitors (Peter has yet to see how visitors are different then tourists) and would not deactivate and was allowed all the floors of the person they are visiting. Red was interns and workers and most interns and allowed them the floors they worked on along with the cafeteria of course. And good was the highest, personal interns, Avengers, and Pepper and Tony Stark. Free roam of the entire building.

Toni handed out the passes.

"Welcome Betty, Level Blue" FRIDAY calls out as someone steps over.

Shouts of awe can be heard admiring the system. Soon it's Peters turn.

"Welcome Peter!" FRIDAY says sounding almost energetic "Level Gold. Would you like me to announce your arrive to Boss?"

"No- no it's ok FRIDAY" Peter says walking over to Ned and Mj.

They start to tour but soon someone tugs his arm away and he's being led away from the group.

Tony Stark was worried. He was trying to slowly track peters class so he could make sure he's ok before he talked to his class. However one of his cameras were not working and he couldn't fix that and check on Peter.

"Karen, why isn't the camera working." Tony said having asked FRIDAY moments before with no avail.

"Peter turned them off." was her reply

"why?" Tony asked, slightly relieved

"He did not say." Karen responded almost brightly.

"Is he ok?" Tony asked hesitently

"He asked me not to say."

"override" Tony said, if this kid was hiding injuries from him again...

"He seems to have one broken rib, he is very bruised, and he is suffering from a severe panic attack." Karen respond

"if this is from patrol last night-"

"It is not" Karen interupted

"what is it from?" Tony asked more concerened now then before

"He asked me not to say."

"Override!" Tony said again

"He has said he can handle it, if doesn't get hit, others will."

"So he's being bullied." Tony trailed off.

¨He has asked me not to say.¨

Tony groaned in frustration. "Karen where is he?"

"Right wing." was the immediate responce. Which was strange because that's where the camera was off and- Tony immediately got out of his chair and ran.

Peter- with a lot of help from Karen- has stopped his panic attack. Flash had left so Peter called that a successful attempt. However he seemed to have spoken to early because soon Tony Stark was hovering in front of him.

"Hey kid you ok?" Tony said soothingly. He didn't want to scare the kid after all.

Peter nodded "panic attacks gone." He mentally cursed. Karen was supposed to have not told Mr.Stark.

"Ok. Great that's great." Tony said helping peter sit up and giving him water. "Who." It's a single word but Peter flinches at the word.

"Karen shouldn't have told you-"

"Yeah as didn't." Tony said "I figured it out. So who is it."

"Mr.Stark it's nothing I can handle it." Peter exclaims quickly starting to move but flinching back in pain.

"Clearly your not. How long." Tony said changing the question

" three years." Peter sighed

"Who." Tony asked more sternly because god forbid if his kid was hurt one more time.

"Flash." Was all peter would say. Because Peter didn't think tony would be able to figure out a dumb nickname right?

"Ok, I got Bruce in medical bay for you, And I have to go talk to your class." Tong said picking up Peter. "Don't worry it's for the field trip." And he carried peter up into the Ned bay where Peter passed out waiting to heal.

Tony walked to the meeting room. He entered. Around 37 kids cheered for him, he could never get over it. He was there for a Q&A. But he had a question for all of them.

"Hello, you already know who I am. This is a Q&A however I have a question because somewhere in this room. Some sicko hurt my kid. The crowd mumered around in confusion. "But that's for later!" Tony said he wasn't an idiot "I would like to see Flash? Anyone know a Flash?"

Some y'all guy raised his hand and the crowd parted so Tony could see him.

"Great! Get out."

"What?" Flash said confused

"You hurt my son. Get out." Tony repeated "or are you deaf"

Flash stared at him "I'm so confused."

"Am I correct that you have been bullying Peter for three years?" Everyone in the crowd nodded "great so leave and have fun working at McDonalds for the rest of your life. Because if I find out you even breath in his direction, I will make sure you never are allowed to go to college anywhere got it?"
Flash nodded and was escorted out.

People asked a lot of interesting questions that day and when Tony walked upstairs he heard peter yell

"He called me his son! That's amazing! NED that's amazing! I have a dad!"

Yep Tony definitely loved this kid

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