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Minor angst!1! Um ok so Aunt May dies and then Peter like gets really depressed. Just read it. Also Tony's alive so like fight me.

"Aunt May! I'm home!" Peter said,still in his Spider-Man costume "May?" He asks suddenly worried. I'm sure  fine Peter get a grip he thought.  But just in case he decided  to check all the rooms in the house. "May! Your scaring me-" he trailed off, he had found her. But not in the right way. She was dead. He couldn't hear the heartbeat that he  used to fall asleep on far to many nights and, she has a knife protruding from her abdomen. "No,no,no,no,no. May, no you can't leave me. No this isn't fair!" Peter cried. And then did sobs begen to fetch from his throat. Loud sobs rang through the practically empty apartment. After an hour or so he stopped crying and headed to the window.

"Mr. Parker you are not emotionally stable to fight crime tonight. I will have to alert Mr. Stark." Karen, his AI, said softly. Peter shook his head

"I need to Karen." He replied slinging out the window. Karen sighed and reported the nearest crime.

He was falling, he was falling and any rational person would have slung away by now, but Peter wasn't rational. He had stopped the bad guy and then said bad guy pushed him off the roof. And now he could say hi to May. Or maybe his spider healing would heal him, it seemed to help a bit with the wound on his arm. He smiled thinly. He was alone, alone, alone, alone-

Someone caught him. He hit metal and groaned softly on impact.

"What the heck were you thinking Peter!" Tony said, shouting but making his tone soft, " you could have died!"

"I know." Peter said "maybe then I could stop disappointing people that I couldn't save." Tony's heart broke. Then Peter passed out.

He woke up a few hours later Tony leaning over his body and frowning. Though as soon as he saw Peter was awake he smiled.

"Peter hey" he said softly

"Hey Mr.Stark." Peter said hoping that they woukd ignore the elephant in the room.

"So what was this about dying?" Tony asked

Peter sighed and tears rolled down his cheeks "aunt May. She... dead... I'm.... alone"

"Hey kid, your not alone! You have me. You will always, Always, have me, I'm not going anywhere I promise." That was all the explanation Peter needed before he launched himself into Tony's arms

"Thanks dad" the smaller boy muttered earning a dazzling grin from the father figure who decided that Peter woukd stay right here, with him, and pepper, and Morgan forever. Nah, he wasn't alone.

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