Dead relatives man

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Hello I'm gonna apologize about slow updating but I'm gonna write more angsty stuff so I can write happier stuff probably tmr. Okay enjoy
TW:descriptions of death

Peter could not find a temperature that would agree with him tonight. He sighed and pulled the thin mountain of blankets tighter around his skin and closed his eyes, hoping for some reprieve from the hectic day he has had.

Peter stood next to Mj and Ned. The amusement park loud-not too loud thanks to his special hearing aids, but loud still. It's easy to lose yourself in the vast crowds and tall structures. So it comes as no surprise when Peter feels a small tug on his right arm. He turns around and sees a small boy with a tear stricken face.

"Please I need my aunt," he almost cries. Peter ignores Ned's look and Mj's glare. Takes him to special services and waits.

After a few moments an actrattive young women with brown hair and sunglasses comes running up and scoops the young boy in her arms.

"Oh my god, we were so worried about you," she coos, looking up at Peter whose frozen because she looks just like, "what can I ever do to repay you?" She cuts off his thoughts.

"What's your name?" He asks bluntly and Ned hits him on the back of the head

"May" she says and walks off with the young boy.
Peter breaks

Suddenly he's crying and no longer at the amusement park, he's in a hospital off in Brooklyn. He watches as the doctors tell him that may needs to be taken off life support. He watches as they unplug her and the heart beat flatlines.

Peter wakes up now. Silently sobbing into the too thin and comfterable blankets of the penthouse. FRIDAY has not made a noise but he knows she'll alert mr. Stark soon anyway.

He misses May

So that was short but work is draining me and inspirations.
Capitalism baby
Ok goodbye

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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