Chapter 19

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SofiaLundgren: People don't understand you, people don't understand us but I don't care

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SofiaLundgren: People don't understand you, people don't understand us but I don't care. Jonathon Good, you are my dream come true and I am so in love with you. I have been your girlfriend for one whole year and it has been the best year of my life. Happy One Year Baby !

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JonMoxley: One year of pizza and beer

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JonMoxley: One year of pizza and beer.

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"Happy Anniversary." I pull Jon in for a long kiss as he enters the bathroom. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." He pecks my lips twice. "But I need to brush my teeth."

I roll my eyes at his words, "You should have got out of bed when I did, we could have showered together."

His eyes twinkle at my words, "There is nothing wrong with showering twice."

I tighten the towel around myself as he just stares at me with a look that I don't recognise. Jon is a man of a few words so I always try to make note of his different facial expressions which can be hard because he instantly goes to his poker face when he notices me watching him.

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