Chapter 33

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SofiaLundgren: Baby got back

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SofiaLundgren: Baby got back

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Having Audreyana stay in my home while Jon is in rehab has kept me from falling into a depressive state. I didn't know if I could deal with having my model sister staying at mine but she has been a heaven sent.

She's makes sure that my house is kept clean, the plants are fed and that there is food waiting for me when I get home from work. Audreyana has somewhat become my reason for being outside of acting and I really appreciate her support during this tough time.

"Oh wow." I gasp while staring down at the pancake charcuterie board that Audreyana has prepared for us. "This is beautiful."

"I hope it tastes as good as it looks." She gives me a small smudge.

"I wish I could try it but I have a shoot today so I usually have a breakfast smoothie." I lie and her face falls. "If I had known..."

"Don't worry about it." Audreyana rubs her lips together. "I'll pack it up and you can have whatever looks good when you come back."

"I'm joking." I playfully throw her into a headlock. "Do you think that I would give up pancakes, strawberries and chocolate for a photoshoot?"

My sister laughs, "This took me almost two hours to make so I was going to cry if you left."

"Even if it tasted like shit, I would still eat it because you made it." I smile while letting her out of the headlock. "Jon would be happy to see you taking good care of his future wife and baby momma."

"I often forget that you're pregnant until you turn to the side." Audrey pats my growing bump before helping me to my seat. "How's the pregnancy going?"

"Pregnancy is not the glitz and glam that people make it out to be but it has been a beautiful experience to grow a baby. I wish Jon was here to see the new changes to my body but we still have more months to go before baby Moxley reaches earthside." I reach for a pancake before spreading some nutella on it. "Mom being pregnant at the same time as me is wild though, she will be having our last sibling and I'll be having the first grandchild."


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