Chapter 3

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SofiaLundgren: No Makeup Monday

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SofiaLundgren: No Makeup Monday. So glad to be part of the Beauty Lies Within campaign. 

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I walk besides my sister as our parents lead the way to the cafe that we are going to be dining at. There is a fair amount of paparazzi because somebody obviously reported seeing the Lundgrens out and about.

They don't usually see us all together on a day to day basis because we usually go out separately so this is a moment for them.

"Sofia, don't lose your sister." My mom says as she glances back at us. I roll my eyes once she looks forward and Audreyana giggles. 

It doesn't matter how old we are, my mom always gives me the job of watching over my sister whenever we leave the house. I remember when we went on a safari trip in Africa, my mom made me hold her hand. Even though we were in a safe vehicle and no harm was going to come our way, I had to hold her hand for moral support.

Although it does get annoying or embarrassing at times, I value the fact that it has allowed me to form a special bond with my sister. Ida and I do not get on so it's nice to be close to at least one sister.

Once we reach the cafe, our parents order for all of us since we are pretty basic individuals who always order the same thing

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Once we reach the cafe, our parents order for all of us since we are pretty basic individuals who always order the same thing.

"I heard that there's an audition going on for some action movie." My dad tells me. "They're looking for a lead female. If you're interested, I could request a copy of the script."

"That would be amazing dad." I tell him with a smile and he winks at me.

"Don't forget that we have a training session tomorrow." I pull a face. "You promised."

Audreyana is more like my mother, not only does she resemble her the most but they have same kind of interests which don't really involve a lot of physical activity. My dad and I practically have the same face and we share a lot of the same activities.

I have only ever known my father as an actor and as a martial artist. He would always bring me along to set and his training sessions which led to me gaining an interest in them. I first started training with my father when I was eleven and he allowed me to start going gym with him when I turned fourteen.

"I know, I know." I sigh. "Will the Stallone's be joining us?"

"Yeah. Jean Claude might to with his daughter but I'm not sure." My dad answers as starts playing with his napkin.

"What's this news that you want to share with us?" Audreyana asks.

"You'll just have to wait and find out." I inwardly roll my eyes at my mom's answer. It better be something huge with the way they're acting.

My dad looks at me, "Please be nice to Ida. I know that you both don't get along but be nice to your sister."

I sigh, "I will."

"Pinky promise?" He holds out his pinky while having the most serious face which makes me giggle.

"Pinky promise." I link our pinky together before shaking on it.


I have not spoken to Jon in two days after we got caught by a member of staff at the gym. In my head we obviously left because I was embarrassed but in reality, we were kicked out of the gym. They were actually willing to let us workout but then Jon started kissing on my neck and things got heated.

Jonathan tried to invite me to his place but I wasn't really feeling it after our interruption so we parted ways and I went to work for the remainder of the day. He hasn't messaged me so I don't know if he is put off from me so I'm going to reach out to him.


I put my phone down as I pull out my work diary, I begin flipping through my upcoming work schedule as I wait on his reply.

At the Rockers Bar, join me.

I smile at the invite and I quickly head into my ensuite bathroom to prepare for the night. I'm aware that Rockers is a Rock N Roll type of bar and luckily for me, Amerie has been showing me her rock music collection. I don't really listen to rock music since I'm more of a pop and rnb kind of girl but I am willing to expand on my music tastes.

It took me almost forty minutes to get to the bar due to LA traffic and turns out the bar is in West Hollywood. All I'm hoping is that Jon isn't drunk because I've noticed that he loves to a few drinks and then some.

I show my ID to the bouncer before walking into the bar which is filled with people who look like they belong in the 80s. I fake a smile at a few girls who are just staring at me but my smile drops as they start looking me up and down.

"Don't make me poke your eyes out." I sweetly tell them as I walk towards the bar where Jon is. "Hey you."

He turns and I plant a kiss on his cheeks.

"Look who finally turned up." He slightly slurs his words and I try not to roll my eyes as the smell of beer invades my nostrils. "What would you like to drink?"

Instead of answering him, I just order myself some white rum which I thank the bartender for as they pour it out into my glass.

Instead of answering him, I just order myself some white rum which I thank the bartender for as they pour it out into my glass

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"Rum? That's my type of woman." He gives my cheek a sloppy kiss as we make our way towards the live band who are performing what could be In the End. "In the EEEEEEEEEND, IT DOESN'T EVEN MATTTERRRRR!"

I laugh as Jon begins to sing along to the song prompting a few people to glare at him.

"Shut up man, you sound horrid." A guy who look likes the knock off version of Freddie Mercury snarls at Jon who just laughs it off as he continues to sing. "Yo, shut up."

"No you shut your mouth." I step infront of Jon. "Do you know who I am?"

The guy scoffs, "Enlighten me."

"I'm Dolph Lundgren's daughter." His beady eyes widen. "Now you shut your mouth before I kick your ass."

The guy scurries off and Jon bursts out laughing.

"That's my girl."

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