Chapter 27

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SofiaLundgren: Set life

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SofiaLundgren: Set life

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My mom wanted Audreyana and I to come for a girls day but all we have done is watch movies in her bed. Once I got comfortable on the bed, my body gave out on me so Audreyana had to go downstairs to pick up our postmates order.

"Ugh, pregnancy is kicking my butt." My mom groans as she turns on her side and I pull a face. "I'm sorry for not making this day more fun. I wanted us to get massages and do a whole spa treatment."

"It's fine." I smile as I cuddle up to her to her. She goes to pull me in for a hug but with both of our bumps in the way, she can only reach my arm which we giggle about. "How are feeling about being a mom again?"

She chuckles at this, "I'm already a mom."

"You know what I mean." I playfully roll my eyes, "How do you feel about becoming a new mom?"

"I'm in my forties now so it's strange." She runs her hand through her hair. "I'm excited to begin the whole journey again but I wonder if I'll have the patience to deal with a newborn or a toddler, it's just been so long."

"You're very patient with us so that's not something that you should be worried about

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"You're very patient with us so that's not something that you should be worried about." Audreyana adds with a smile. "You're the best mom to all four of us and I know that our bubba will love you just as much we do."

"Thanks baby." My mom turns her head and kisses Audreyana on the cheek. "I really needed that."

"And don't forget that you're not alone." I place her hand on my growing stomach. "Baby Good will grow up very close to their aunt or uncle."

My mom doesn't say anything for a moment as she rubs my stomach, "Yeah."

"This is so weird." Audreyana laughs as she sits up. "How in the hell did you both get pregnant around the same time?"

"I still get my period." Our mom smiles as she turns to lay on her back. "I've used birth control on and off for many years but I decided to give it up for good last year. If I knew that your dad had good swimmers the--"

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