Chapter 11

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IdaLundgren: Daddy Daughter day

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IdaLundgren: Daddy Daughter day

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Now that all my friends know about Jon and I dating, I don't feel as if I need to hide anymore. I can finally be open with my man and just hang around him without looking suspicious. 

Dwayne booked out this race track and the group is going to be making the most of this time together. Jordana is the only one missing but that's because she is out of town doing God knows what since she is so secretive lately.

"You guys look so lame." I say as I stick my tongue out at the boys. "Only the girls got dressed up for this."

"Hey." Jon pulls me close and smashes his lips against mine. "I'm wearing sunglasses, I got the UV protection."

I playfully nudge him, "You always wear sunglasses."

"Jon, you really lucked out

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"Jon, you really lucked out." I hear Dwayne say as I take selfies with Nya and Amerie. "You got the one with the normal lips."

"I heard that." Nya Cage flips off her boyfriend and the guys burst out laughing. "You egg head."

"Oh wow." Dwayne wraps his arms around her. "You hurt my feelings."

"I better had." Nya turns around to kiss him and Amerie lets out a sigh.

"Joe, we are supposed to be the cute one." 

"We are the cute one." He surprises us all by picking up Amerie bridal style which makes her squeal. 

Now these are the moments that I live for, seeing all my friends happy and content. It's crazy to think that over a year ago, we were all single trying to make it through this life. Nya, Amerie and myself were constantly ridiculed over our bodies and occupation. Now we are admired by many and treated like queens by our men.

"Ok, I paid a lot for this track so let's get in the car." Dwayne ends the love fest that was beginning.

All the couples couple up together as they get into their vehicle.

"I'm so happy that our friends know about us." I voice as I buckle my seatbelt. "It makes me feel good knowing that I can show my affection for you."

Jon pushes my face away, "You're so lame."

"I'm being cheesy." I wink at him as he grabs a hold of my jaw. "You know you love it." 

Jon responds with smashing his lips against mine which makes me giggle since he is so silly.

"STOP HAVING SEX AND GET TO THE START LINE!" We hear Dwayne shout and we pull apart from eachother.

"I love it." Jon softly says as he caresses my face.

I go to say something but I let out a scream as the car starts moving at an incredibly fast pace.

"SLOW DOWN!" I scream and Jon laughs as he pulls to a halt, I look out to see the other cars already there. "Jon, you are so fucking crazy."

"I'm crazy for you." I brace myself as I watch the girl raise the flag before dropping it.

Oh God.


"We should go Miami for the weekend

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"We should go Miami for the weekend." Axel voices as he pulls out the ribs from the freezer.

"Who's we?" I ask as I grab the bag of frozen roast potatoes. We would just use the regular ones but we don't have the time to properly do it since we were supposed to start dinner forty minutes ago.

Axel wanted to go skateboarding so that's what we did until my mom started complaining about the baby needing food.

"You and I." He responds and I smile. 

"What about Ida and Audreyana?" I ask as he puts the ribs on a oven tray, I grab a second one where I place the potatoes on. I drizzle it in olive oil and make a mental note to season it in about ten minutes.

Once the food is in the oven, we get to work on preparing the sides which we have decided on asparagus since we are all models up in here.

"I go on vacation with Ida all the time and Audreyana is in New York."  Axel responds. "I don't know how long I will be staying out here so spending time with you before I leave would be call. You already know that you are my favourite."

"And you are mine." I playfully punch his arm and he feigns hurt. "Let's do it, I haven't seen you in months so I'm down."

Axel just chuckles which makes me smile even more. Alexander is my older brother and he is literally my favourite sibling. Since he lives in a different state and is always booked and busy, I don't get to see him as much as I would like.

"Since when did you start dating Dean Ambrose?" I pause in my tracks.

"Huh?" I try play dumb.

"Over the last few days, I've watched him drop you off." Axel calmly states. "How long have you been dating?"

"We've been seeing eachother for a couple of months but we have dating for a few weeks." I bite down on my lower lip as I look at Axel.

"Does he make you happy?" I nod my head. "Are you happy?"

"So happy." I smile at Axel and he sighs.

"I guess my baby sister is growing up." Axel pulls a face. "I want to meet him."

"You will once we come back from Miami."


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