Chapter 35

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SofiaLungren: Felt like a hot girl

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SofiaLungren: Felt like a hot girl

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Jon definitely missed being at home so we did not make many plans to go out as we were trying to catch up on eachother's lives and make up for the month that we have been apart. I hosted a pretty big barbecue at our home so all our loved ones could come out to see him at one time and it was really nice of his pals from WWE to show up.

Hunter was last person that I expected to see there but he came by with his family to congratulate Jon and let him know that he still has a home at WWE no matter what he does next. I think Jon really needed to hear those words of comfort as leaving one job can be really tough especially in an industry like wrestling where everybody wants to know your reasons for leaving and your next destination.

"How are you feeling after that?" I ask Jon as we enter my car and he doesn't respond. "It was pretty magical."

"Seeing your kid on an ultrasound is one thing but seeing him on 4D made the whole thing seem even more real." Jon places his hand over my bump. "Our boy is really there."

I chuckle, "Where else has he been?"

Jon let's out a noise before leaning down to rest his head on my stomach which makes my throat jump. I try not to cry as I place my hand on his head before leaning down to give his head a kiss.

"Rehab was tougher than I let on." Jon softly says after a few moments of silence. "I wanted to leave after the first therapy session because I realised that there was so much that I didn't want to unpack. It's easy to blame your childhood for how you turned out but who is to blame when you are just sadistic?"

I continue to rub his head.

"They asked me stupid questions about the life lessons and advice that I wanted to pass onto my kid then made me feel stupid whenever I answered." He sighs deeply before pressing a firm kiss to my stomach. "Made me confront a lot of my fears about fatherhood but I'm glad that I followed through with the program."

Instead of heading home like planned, I wanted us to be the youngish adults that we are and do something fun so I took us to an arcade.

Instead of heading home like planned, I wanted us to be the youngish adults that we are and do something fun so I took us to an arcade

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