Chapter 20

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SofiaLundgren: Throwback from my old glam/closet room

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SofiaLundgren: Throwback from my old glam/closet room

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I am engaged and pregnant.

If you told me that I would be at this stage a year ago then I would have laughed. I have never been crazy over getting married or having children although I did want that eventually. I just assumed that I would be in my thirties when that happened.

Life has a way of surprising you like that.

Jon's contract is coming to an end in a couple of weeks and even though he is acting like he doesn't care, I can see that it is affecting him. He has been with WWE since 2011 which is a pretty long time and in a way it kind of sucks because I know that he is not likely to enter the Hall of Fame for his work at this company.

"I can't wait to leave." Jon sighs in frustration as he throws his arm around my shoulder. 

He just finished doing a promo which really made him look like a stupid drunk and it was kind of embarrassing. What we have may be fresh but I don't like seeing the way he is being treated.

"I'm sorry, baby." I give his waist a squeeze.

"Don't even think about recording any of these shows

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"Don't even think about recording any of these shows." Jon tells me as we start walking down the corridor. "I never want to be reminded of this time."

I pull him to a stop before turning him to face me.

"No matter what happens, I still love and support you." I pull his face down to meet mine as our lips meet for a brief moment. "Our baby will always love and support you. In life you will have career ups and downs but the only thing that matters is how you overcome it, how you move forward."

"I just didn't want it to end this way." He looks away as a look of anger passes through his waist. "Whatever, fuck it. I don't give a shit, let me be the fucking clown and make the most of my time here."

"Gotta make that money." I joke but he doesn't laugh which really makes me feel for him.

As we start walking again, a female voice starts calling him and I furrow my brows at the sound of the voice because it sounds real familiar. 

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