Chapter 16

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"Recently you announced that you are dating somebody new." The interviewer mentions and Jon doesn't react. "Everybody was under the assumption that you was still married to Renee."

"I know." Jon coolly responds.

"Could you add some context to that?"

Jon dramatically sighs, "Renee and I have been divorced for near enough a year. Prior to me making my return to WWE, we had already divorced but we had chosen not to announce it to the public. Before you ask, we are on good terms but we have both moved on with our lives." 

"How did the relationship with Sofia start?"

"Sofia and I have been acquainted for a while now." Jon looks at me standing in the background before looking back at the interviewer. "Sofia is best friends with Joe's girlfriend so we were always in the same setting. I was dating Renee at the time and after we split up, I had no interest in dating anybody else. I just wanted to focus on my wrestling career."

I smile softly.

"One day I just asked her out and we just started hanging out." Jon shrugs his shoulders. "We were seeing eachother for a couple of months before we made it official. I'm not one to talk about my personal life so I chose not to mention my new relationship but we weren't hiding it. Sofia and I always go out in public and we act like a couple."

"Do you see yourself getting married to her?" I cringe at the question.

"Sof and I strive off the fact that we just go at our own pace." 


JonMoxley: Happy Birthday to the woman of my dreams

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JonMoxley: Happy Birthday to the woman of my dreams. You light up my world and I hope you enjoy the next chapter in your life.

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SofiaLundgren: Your girl is twenty five and strivinnnnnnng 

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SofiaLundgren: Your girl is twenty five and strivinnnnnnng 

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