Chapter 25

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Today I went to my doctor's appointment alone seeing as today is Jon's last day in WWE. Going in for my appointment, I assumed that it would be a regular ultrasound where the doctor would tell me how the baby is progressing but I ended up finding out the gender.

My baby's legs were open and since my normal doctor wasn't there, their replacement pretty much told me without warning. They didn't seem to realise that they spoiled the news for me so I acted like nothing happened for the rest of the appointment. The second that I made it into my car, I bawled my eyes out for ten minutes straight.

Finding out the gender made the whole thing seem more real. Jon and I have been cruising by with this pregnancy and I literally feel like my normal self besides the constant fatigue.

I would have liked to have had Jon at my side when we found out the gender but I'm going to use this to brighten up Jon's mood. Today is the end of an era for him and I know that he's going to be pretty closed off today.

A security guard starts leading my parents and I to our seats as the stadium begins to fill up.

My dad places his hand on my shoulder, "How was Jon feeling this morning?"

"It's hard to tell, he's a stoic man." I bite my bottom lip. "He wasn't saying much this morning so I pretty much left him to it."

"This must be really tough for him." My mom holds onto my hand as pass by a large group of people who start taking pictures of us. "I couldn't imagine giving up something that makes me happy."

"Well it hasn't been making him happy as of late." A smile appears on my face as I spot Amerie who starts waving at me. 

It makes me feel good to know that my friend is here for this moment because our little couple group is like a family now. Jon may not express it but I know that he will be happy to know that Amerie came out with the twins to support him.

 Jon may not express it but I know that he will be happy to know that Amerie came out with the twins to support him

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"Thank you for being here." I tell Amerie as we hug and she laughs a little.

"I wouldn't miss this day for the world."

Not long after the show begins and I find myself entranced with everything that is going on. I almost forget that it's Jon's final day as everyone acts as if it's just a normal day so when Jon shows up, my eyes begin to water.

"You can do this." Amerie whispers in my ear as she rubs my back. 

A camera turns to record our reaction and I cover my face with my hair. This company has been trying to tarnish Dean Ambrose these last few week so I will not allow them to profit off of my emotions. 

Watching Bobby Lashley deny Jon a match makes me sad because this was supposed to be his final match.

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