Chapter 17

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SofiaLundgren: I'm a homeowner now

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SofiaLundgren: I'm a homeowner now

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I have finally moved into my first house and the experience has definitely been surreal. My family came round for dinner, baring gifts on my first night while my friends came around on the second night.

Five nights in and I feel as if I have gotten the hang of living alone. Living in a house alone is so much better than living in an apartment although I have had to get security cameras installed. It's weird to think that I own a house but I am so grateful that my mom gave me that push.

I smile as Jon makes his way over to me with a large pizza box.

I smile as Jon makes his way over to me with a large pizza box

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"I'm so hungry." I peck his lips as he sits down besides me on the ground.

Five nights in and I still don't have all of my furniture but things are going pretty well. My parents offered to give me theirs but I declined because I have already ordered it, I'm just waiting on it to arrive.

"I got some beer." Jon lifts up the case that I didn't even see and I grin at him, "Pizza and beer, you really are a woman after my heart."

I wink at him, "I already have your heart as you have mine."

Since Jon told me that he loved me, he hasn't uttered the word again but I'm ok with it. Knowing how he feels transformed my life and I know that he is in it for the long haul.

Once we finish the pizza and beer, I decide to do something that I've been wanting to do since I moved in. I stand to my feet and let out a giggle as Jon slaps my but.

"Get over here." He grabs my bum and I shake him off. "Daddy wants some pussy."

"Daddy will get his pussy." I wink at him. "After I give him a present."

"Everyday with you is a present but ok."

I walk over to my cabinet and I pick up the single key that lays on it before heading back over to him.

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